Does anyone have the original recipe that was on the packet all those years ago? Wasn't it Flemmings that made it?
Jun 4, 5:23am
The Quick and Easy Dessert recipe on the packet - 600ml milk, 1 cup Flaked Rice, 2 Tbsp sugar,1/4 tsp salt, 2 eggs beaten, 1/2 tsp vanilla essence.Bring milk to boil & sprinkle in Flaked Rice, sugar and salt. Boil briskly all the time stirring for 3 minutes. Add eggs and vanilla essence. Boil for a further 2 minutes. Serve hot or cold with fresh or preserved fruit, jam or golden syrup, or simply add milk or cream. Yes it is Flemings flaked rice. I, for some reason have had a packet in the back of a cupboard for longer than I care to remember and I know not why. LOL. Hope that helps. There are other recipes on the packet too.
Jun 4, 4:03pm
Many thanks Auburn
Jun 4, 10:57pm
auburn, check your packet for nasties inside. I had some semilina, opened it and it was full of creepycrawlies. Oh how i loved that flaked rice, havent seen it in shops anymore.
Jun 4, 11:12pm
Bin Inn has it!!I spotted it there a couple of weekends ago and just had to buy some for old time's sake!!
Jun 5, 12:22am
Can you still buy Flaked Rice, I used to love that stuff!!
Jun 5, 12:45am
See post above ..... Bin Inn.
Jun 5, 1:16am
I've bought it before from the Bulk Bin section of my local Pak-n-Save.
Jun 5, 1:47am
I buy it all the time & have it instead off porriadge as I am Gluten Intolerant. I put indates or apricots & apple & cinnamon etc. Yummy. Best Before shop in Papakura Auckland sell it cheap as. :-)
Jun 5, 3:06am
Korbo my packet of flaked rice is so old that even the creepy crawlies aren't interested in it. It's been tucked away in a high cupboard in the back corner and it wasn't until I saw mention of it here that I remembered it. Been there at least 15 years. Still looks perfect bu I think the birds will be getting it. I'll be getting some new flaked rice though now that I know where to look..
Jun 5, 5:08am
Does anyone have the original recipe that was on the packet all those years ago! Wasn't it Flemmings that made it!
Jun 5, 3:24pm
i tried the binn inn lot, but it just didnt seem to taste the same....who made it originally. if you have the packet still auburn, is there a phone no. would love to get it again...thanks.
Jun 5, 11:12pm
Bin Inn has it!I spotted it there a couple of weekends ago and just had to buy some for old time's sake!
Jun 6, 12:22am
Can you still buy Flaked Rice, I used to love that stuff!
Jun 6, 12:45am
See post above . Bin Inn.
Jun 6, 1:56am
Don't think you can buy it these days.Pretty sureit came from Flemings in the south who went out of creamota, porridge, flaked rice etc. Thought Goodman feilders had something to do with it, but nothing on their website. The original made a nice fluffy pudding, Going to try some from Bin Inn the original recipe, put the egg yolks in then fold in beaten egg whites at last to see if that makes it nice and fluffy like it does sago.
Jun 6, 3:06am
Korbo my packet of flaked rice is so old that even the creepy crawlies aren't interested in it. It's been tucked away in a high cupboard in the back corner and it wasn't until I saw mention of it here that I remembered it. Been there at least 15 years. Still looks perfect bu I think the birds will be getting it. I'll be getting some new flaked rice though now that I know where to look.
Jun 6, 3:57am
Korbo & Marie the packet is Flemingsfrom Gore. No phone number, butfrom all I have read Flaked Rice is no longer made by Flemings.
Jun 6, 3:24pm
i tried the binn inn lot, but it just didnt seem to taste the same.who made it originally. if you have the packet still auburn, is there a phone no. would love to get it again.thanks.
Jun 6, 8:13pm
New World has it. Country Foods? brand.Next to the sugar at my local.
Jun 7, 12:43am
Tried to buy this at Bin Inn in Lower Hutt..they dont stock it !!!!
Jun 7, 1:55am
a popular hunting or tramping food when travelling light 1/2 cup flaked rice 3 or 4 tsp milk powder tablespoon sugar pinch salt into ziploc bag. Then for dessert ouyt in the bush bring 2 cups water to boil with a handfull of dried apricots which you can soak longer if you wish then add the contents of ziploc bag while stirring remove from heat and sit for a few minutes then consume with vigour as you are starving after a hard days hunting. :) great breakfast too.
Jun 7, 1:56am
Don't think you can buy it these days.Pretty sureit came from Flemings in the south who went out of creamota, porridge, flaked rice etc. Thought Goodman feilders had something to do with it, but nothing on their website. The original made a nice fluffy pudding, Going to try some from Bin Inn the original recipe, put the egg yolks in then fold in beaten egg whites at last to see if that makes it nice and fluffy like it does sago.
Jun 7, 1:59am
Healtheries make a flaked rice breakfast cereal in two flavours. One is apricot and has dried apricot in it along with other things and I cannot remember the other. They are all pre-mixed. All you need to do is cook in water or milk. They are rather nice if you like that sort of thing, or, as beaker says, you need to have something fast, hot and filling after a hard day tearing around the bush after that elusive game.
Jun 7, 3:57am
Korbo & Marie the packet is Flemingsfrom Gore. No phone number, butfrom all I have read Flaked Rice is no longer made by Flemings. BTW, my packet cost $2.60 but I have no idea when that was.
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