actually kallista, I think in the dim distant past I have successfully made the lemonade and cream scones.Might have to try them.They couldn't possibly be any worse than the worst ones I've ever made which was for a group of 15 and I was "temporary cook".Cheese scones went in the oven nice and thick and came out crisp, golden brown and flat as a pancake!One of the group was a trained pastry chef and said he would help me make another batch, so under his supervision I tried again.Same result.Not to be beaten he went over everything I'd done, and we discovered that someone had put plain flour in the jar marked "baking powder", so no wonder mine didn't rise.
Jul 9, 3:24pm
Cookies. Make the mixture well in advance. Then bake when your guests are there. Warm fresh cookies - especially choc chip - nothing beats that!
Sponge drops so quick and easy - fill with jam and cream.
Jul 9, 4:06pm
Sponge drops ??? Can you explain please - this is a new one on me.
Jul 9, 4:51pm
Make some Wobble Gobbles
Nov 19, 5:15am
Okay, news update.I had decided on asparagus rolls for one item, but discovered that the local supermarket was "out of stock" of tinned asparagus and of course no fresh asparagus was available, and the four square only had asparagus "pieces" so not suitable.I decided to do club sandwiches.I ended up trying to do scones (cream and lemonade) and did a dummy run yesterday, and they were quite - well almost - good.But today's efforts weren't so good.(Oh yes, we ate all yesterday's ones, "quality control" you see).So at the end of the afternoon when everyone left, everyone said how nice the club sandwiches were and there were no comments on my dismal attempts at scones.I really don't know why I can't make them.I should have done pikelets - I can make a really mean pikelet if I put my mind to it.
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