Yes.... HIgh Grade Flour is plain flour. Plain flour refers to flour which does not have baking powder added to it to make it self-raising flour.
Oct 3, 10:01pm
Depends what you want to make High grade flour has much more gluten in it making it a stronger heavier flour so not brilliant for making cakes, biscuits, muffins or gravy but vital for bread and OK for carrot and banana cakes, fruit cakes and puddings, pizza and flaky and puff pastry. So what are you making?
Oct 3, 10:03pm
I was going to make 245sam's miracle cakes, they are muffin-like.The only flour I have in the house is the flour I make my bread with :o(
Oct 3, 10:04pm
lisa7, what are you wanting to make? Whilst kirinesha is quite correct in her comparison of plain and self-raising flour, plain flour usually refers to the standard/'all purpose' flour - both plain/standard/'all purpose' & high grade flours are suitable for most home baking, with high grade white flour being ideal for flaky pastries, heavily fruited cakes & puddings, carrot, banana cake, pizzas, quiche & yeast-raised products e.g. buns & bread. Standard/plain/'all purpose' flour is ideal for biscuits, cookies, light muffins, cakes, sponge puddings, shortcrust pastry & gravies.Hope that helps.:-))
Oct 3, 10:12pm
245sam Would it work for your Miracle Cake recipe??
Oct 3, 10:18pm
lisa7, I've never tried using high grade flour for anything much other than breadmaking and I certainly don't ever recall using it for the Miracles but I DO recall reading on this MB that someone (I can't recall who) said that she?/he?/they? only ever use high grade flour for all purposes, including all baking. I don't want to promise you that it will work but IMO it's worth trying - after all it's not a huge expense to make those little cakes & if they're not as good as you hoped, then how about some chocolate sauce or custard and icecream for a yummy chocolate dessert. I hope that helps & I'm sorry I can't help you more positively.:-))
Oct 3, 10:30pm
Thank you I might give them a go, fingers crossed.
Oct 4, 12:50am
High grade flour is fine I use it for everything including sponge cakes and the results are always excellent.I do know the difference but have found it not worth taking up scarce pantry space with soft flour as well as high grade.
Oct 4, 12:50am
I only ever use high grade flour or self raising.,
Oct 4, 1:05am
I'm another that only uses high grade when using white, biscuits, cakes including sponges, u name it.
Oct 4, 1:58am
yep #3 I do too it has never made a differenc eot anything I make and I use it for everything from cakes, to bread to muffins to sponge.
Oct 4, 2:19am
thanks everyone am trying to tidy storage areas and, as David noted, space is a problem. (Isn't it great when someone asks a question you would like answered so you can piggy-back?)
Oct 4, 2:52am
.... I always use high grade flour for any recipes that ask for plain flour - never had a problem.
Oct 4, 5:39pm
Thanks for the information guys. Here was me being super PC about which flours to use with what. I will completely not purchase anymore ordinary flour from now on. Yes it is great to be able to piggy back on info and you never know so much that you cannot learn something new everyday.
Oct 4, 10:45pm
I only buy high grade flour and use it for all of my baking.Get fantastic results everytime.
Oct 5, 2:51am
Thanks for the feedback as it turns out I run out of time to bake.I have always stocked a big sack of high grade flour for bread baking, and also stock plain and self raising.Nice to know lots of people only use high grade, I will definately try it out next time :o)
Aug 5, 6:19am
i'm glad i found this while trolling the older threads. I never knew you could use high grade for all baking .. so cool!
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