Milk powder in bread?

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isis., Mar 21, 12:18am
Is there a substitute?

My mum just lent me her breadmaker and its the only thing Im missing

dezzie, Mar 21, 12:20am
yep, just replace some of the water with milk, so if it says 1 and 3/4 cups of water, use one of water and 3/4 cup of milk.

isis., Mar 21, 12:21am
great :) thanks that saves me having to go out AGAIN

dezzie, Mar 21, 12:22am
Good luck with your breadmaking efforts!!!

lilyfield, Mar 21, 1:06am
no need to put milk in bread.

isis., Mar 21, 1:07am
the recipe asks for milk powder,

I used less water and topped it up with some milk so we shall see how that works.

Fresh cheese and bacon bread to go with dinner? Flattys will love me lol

lizab, Mar 21, 1:14am
if you miss out the milk powder, you honestly won't notice it :)

cautis, Mar 21, 7:26am
Definitely leave it out if you don't have it, no need to replace it with milk either.

evorotorua, Mar 21, 7:46am
Feel free to leave it out completely. I haven't used milk powder in mine for years (I make about 6 loaves a week now, used to be a dozen) and just use water, no milk powder. The original recipe does call for it, nut I don't do it! Have fun making bread. Flattys do love you for it. The smell drives them crazy. Great for rolling out and using as a pizza base too or buns for lunches.

uli, Mar 21, 8:17am
Bread is made with sourdough (or more modern - yeast only), salt, flour and water (since thousands of years) - no need for milk powder or soybeans, bread "improvers" or other cr@p - you might as well buy the bread if you used all that stuff:)

korbo, Mar 21, 8:22am
try putting some curry powder in your next cheesy loaf. about 1 heaped teaspoon. and some chopped onion......that will get the flattys going....

isis., Mar 22, 12:18am
Is there a substitute!

My mum just lent me her breadmaker and its the only thing Im missing

dezzie, Mar 22, 12:22am
Good luck with your breadmaking efforts!

isis., Mar 22, 1:07am
the recipe asks for milk powder,

I used less water and topped it up with some milk so we shall see how that works.

Fresh cheese and bacon bread to go with dinner! Flattys will love me lol

lizab, Mar 22, 1:14am
if you miss out the milk powder, you honestly won't notice it :)

cautis, Mar 22, 7:26am
Definitely leave it out if you don't have it, no need to replace it with milk either.

evorotorua, Mar 22, 7:46am
Feel free to leave it out completely. I haven't used milk powder in mine for years (I make about 6 loaves a week now, used to be a dozen) and just use water, no milk powder. The original recipe does call for it, nut I don't do it! Have fun making bread. Flattys do love you for it. The smell drives them crazy. Great for rolling out and using as a pizza base too or buns for lunches.

korbo, Mar 22, 8:22am
try putting some curry powder in your next cheesy loaf. about 1 heaped teaspoon. and some chopped onion.that will get the flattys going.

nauru, Mar 24, 1:58pm
You can make perfectly good bread using milk powder or soybeans, bread "improvers" or other cr@p as you so delicately put it and it is way better than shop bread.Why are you always nit picking Uli????

cautis, Mar 24, 6:20pm
Oh that sounds yum!

cautis, Mar 24, 6:21pm
I think it's more that 'why waste money buying all that stuff when it's honestly not needed and it does taste better than shop bought even without those extra things added.

janny3, Mar 25, 1:46pm
Oh I'm looking forward to the curry powder.Thanks for that idea.
Do you add the onion at the beeps or straight into the mix?Just wondering as it seems to get mushed up when tossed into the flour & mixture at the start.

BTW:If you make orange bread in the machine, you won't need milk.

nauru, Mar 25, 1:58pm
You can make perfectly good bread using milk powder or soybeans, bread "improvers" or other cr@p as you so delicately put it and it is way better than shop bread.Why are you always nit picking Uli!

cautis, Mar 25, 6:21pm
I think it's more that 'why waste money buying all that stuff when it's honestly not needed and it does taste better than shop bought even without those extra things added.

janny3, Jul 8, 6:05pm
Oh I'm looking forward to the curry powder.Thanks for that idea.
Do you add the onion at the beeps or straight into the mix!Just wondering as it seems to get mushed up when tossed into the flour & mixture at the start.

BTW:If you make orange bread in the machine, you won't need milk.