Radioactive Food.

sparkyc, Mar 19, 8:18pm
Hi everyone, now has to be aware of food coming from Japan, and surrounding countries containing radioactive material. The reason for surrounding countries is because of the nuclear fall out plume and that gamma rays can travel through most materials.
Radioactive material can accumulate in the bones and liver causing cancers and can be breathed or eaten through animals, fish, etc through the food chain.
All countries are now implementing screening of radioactive food from Japan, but this may be extended to other countries as the nuclear fall out disperses onto other countries and into the sea.

sparkyc, Mar 19, 10:14pm
The problem with their 'measure at the gate' radiation figures, is a lot of the emissions skip OVER the gate. The Plumes go Up, then come down slowly.

The USA has sent a large team of 450 radiation monitoring staff, and this food news has to have significant financial repercussions

["The tainted milk was found 30 kilometres from the plant, a local official said. The spinach was collected from six farms between 100 and 120 kilometres to the south of the reactors.

Those areas are rich farm country known for melons, rice and peaches, so the contamination could affect food supplies for large parts of Japan.

More tests was being done on other foods, Edano said, and if they show further contamination, then food shipments from the area would be halted.

Officials said it was too early to know if the nuclear crisis caused the contamination, but Edano said air sampling done near the dairy showed higher-than-normal radiation levels.

Iodine levels in the spinach exceeded safety limits by three to seven times, a food safety official said. Tests on the milk done Wednesday detected small amounts of iodine-131 and cesium-137. "]

100-120kms, is quite a distance.

sparkyc, Mar 19, 11:30pm

sparkyc, Jun 28, 10:47pm
The problem with their 'measure at the gate' radiation figures, is a lot of the emissions skip OVER the gate. The Plumes go Up, then come down slowly.

The USA has sent a large team of 450 radiation monitoring staff, and this food news has to have significant financial repercussions

["The tainted milk was found 30 kilometres from the plant, a local official said. The spinach was collected from six farms between 100 and 120 kilometres to the south of the reactors.

Those areas are rich farm country known for melons, rice and peaches, so the contamination could affect food supplies for large parts of Japan.

More tests was being done on other foods, Edano said, and if they show further contamination, then food shipments from the area would be halted.

Officials said it was too early to know if the nuclear crisis caused the contamination, but Edano said air sampling done near the dairy showed higher-than-normal radiation levels.

Iodine levels in the spinach exceeded safety limits by three to seven times, a food safety official said. Tests on the milk done Wednesday detected small amounts of iodine-131 and cesium-137. "]

100-120kms, is quite a distance.