Gluten Free Recipes

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melford, Oct 19, 8:06pm
As I have said before that is one DR you are quoting from. Anybody with any intelligence would realise that in nearly every field there are even specialists that hold opposing views! You are barraging people with information that is one sided and people are quite capable of researching themselves. People like to post on here their recipes WITHOUT you interfering and criticising every thing they say or the ingredients they use. Who do you think you are the gluten free police? Let me explain again - some people have a very bad reaction from a "breadcrumb" hence the need for extra vigilance, some people do not get such a severe reaction! Oh yes I know according to your "research" even a small amount of gluten still does damage but maybe people are prepared to allow that to happen so they don't have to be as paranoid as you. They still get better in the end returning to normal health usually within a year. They relapse only if they ingest gluten again.

herika, Oct 19, 10:59pm
Not just one doctor, a doctor, his team of specialists and a top hospital in USA with their specialists, among others. Some people dont have obvious or severe reactions to gluten but it can still be damaging their bodies hence the need to avoid all gluten. I realise some people ignore advice given, and that is their choice, but people need the information in the first place, especially anyone new to all this who may have just found out they have a gluten intolerance. I would hate to think I had given someone a recipe that had an ingredient in it that would do them harm, would welcome it being pointed out to me and would thank them. Its a free world, you are entitled to post recipes and Im entitled to comment on them. If what I post is no help to you then thats okay, but I know it does help others. :)

melford, Oct 20, 1:51am
If you have studied Dr Fords website you will be aware it is subject to copyright for a start. You are also taking his OPINIONS literally to the letter "t" By all means heed his warnings (as most sensible people are capable of doing for themselves. He also states on his website that food should be fun and enjoyable. You seem to delight in taking all the pleasure out of it in the belief that you alone have the sole rights to educating people. I have further comments I have relating to the NZ Food Standards Authority which I will post later

melford, Oct 20, 3:52am
I agree with the information put out by the Coeliac Society of NZ that gluten is an absolute no no for coeliacs! However, there are times when it is simply unavoidable to consume an OCCASIONAL MINUTE amount despite being vigilant. It is simply impossible to achieve a guaranteed gluten free status unless one never eats ANY commercially packaged food or homemade food. We can only aspire to doing our best by reading labels. We cannot allow ourselves to become consumed by paranoia that compromises our enjoyment of food so that we achieve a balanced healthy eating plan. We have procedures in place in NZ to help us achieve this. According to the NZ Food Safety Authority a gluten free status displayed on a food label indicates that the product has undergone vigorous testing and NODETECTABLE gluten is present! That doesn't mean to say there is no gluten , it simply means if there is any present then it is so insignificant that it considered safe for anyone with dietary problems. The NZFSA stated it is possible for manufacturers to use ingredients containing wheat in the production of gluten free food and still claim gluten free status if that product has been subjected to a process whereby it is hydrolised. This is where the offending ingredient is broken down by enzymes which extract gluten and protein from it. Next comes the testing process where it must be proven to have 'no detectable gluten" Having said that the label very often still states "wheat" which is simply complying with NZFSA requirements... . . "ALL" ingredients must be listed on the label.

pommyjohn1, Oct 20, 2:28pm
I get my flour on prescription through the Hospital and several years I changed from Gluten Free to Low Gluten. The level of gluten is less than 0. 1% and tolerated by many coeliacs. The difference in the way this flour bakes up is most noticeable and I have had no problems.
There are many foods at this under 0. 1% including one beer type

herika, Oct 20, 2:47pm
There are some gluten free commercially packaged/preparedproducts about that are totally gluten free. I only have these packaged GF foods very ocassionally. I have no problems having a healthy, varied and interesting diet by eating mainly fresh fruit, veges (including salad type things), meats, fish, chicken, rice, rice noodles etc, and I know I am a lot healthier by not eating all those packaged foods that are full of additives and preservatives etc (which are in a lot of GF ones unfortunately). :)

melford, Oct 20, 4:52pm
herika wrote:

There are some gluten free commercially packaged/preparedproducts about that are totally gluten free.

Of course there are, did I say there weren't? How about listing some of your gluten free recipes instead of just putting them in a book to sell on here and instead of criticising everyone else's. attempts to make a gluten free diet more varied. Lets see how interestingly you eat.

herika, Oct 20, 7:22pm
I have posted some recipes, (also see recipe section) and will post more from time to time, although I wont be doing it because of your, shall we say - dare :)

zub26, Oct 20, 8:28pm
I thought this thread was for reciepes for those needing help with their diet not an arguement thread for herika and melford. You seem to have forgotten the title of this thread and are making it a very unenjoyable thread to read and also misleading.

pommyjohn1, Oct 20, 8:47pm
It isn't Melford at fault

frances1266, Oct 20, 8:58pm
I would prefer to see this thread being for gluten free recipes only.
I get tired of being lectured on this thread and other threads here by a few pushing their own agenda with excessive postingwhich I thought was not permitted on Trade Me anyway.
The Opinions Board is more suitable for those people.
I enjoy the recipes very much but I am capable of making my own decisions so please let this thread be for gluten free recipes only.

herika, Oct 20, 9:23pm
Unfortunately some of the recipes here are not entirely gluten free, and I just want to make sure people know that, esp people new to the gluten free diet. Im not arguing with anyone, just posting information I feel will help people know what they should and shouldnt eat (of course if they choose to ignore it thats their choice). :)

herika, Oct 20, 9:29pm
Id be happy with that if all the recipes were totally gluten free. I realise there are people who arent bothered or choose to have things that arent totally gluten free, and they couldchoose to ignore posts that point this out, but for others and esp those new to the gluten free diet, it could be of help to them, and they may want to know. Quite a few people have actually emailed me andposted it has helped them :)

melford, Oct 21, 1:52am
And still she won't give up! Can you not get the message woman that it is not YOUR decision to be the moderator on this thread. People can make their own decisions of what they want to eat and what they don't. Please allow us the courtesy of not forcing me to engage in this bickering with you and let us get back to enjoying each others recipes.

cathnjim, Oct 21, 3:44am
Hi, I come by now and again, but less and less as I get quite hot under the collar about the bickering. Please just leave this for recipes etc. Herika we are not all stupid. Some of us and myself, have gotten through the initial stages of going gf without your help. You mean well, but everytime I see one of your posts I cringe and wonder what is in it. More often than not it is a repeat of one of your previous messages, so I just don't even bother reading it. I know I am now compounding the problem. I will redeem myself in the next message.

cathnjim, Oct 21, 3:47am
Has anybody tried the new burgen gluten free bread? I went crazy and bought a couple of loaves or three, by the looks they are yeast free, and they claim to be good for sandwiches, but I'm not entirely convinced on that claim. So mine will be toasted, there seems to be white, corn and poppyseed, linseed bread and one a spicy fruit loaf going by memory.

melford, Oct 21, 4:23am
hi cathjim - I haven't noticed Burgen have put out a gluten free bread - can't wait to try the spicy fruit one if I can find it. By the way thanks for the support. It would be lovely if this thread can get back to just gluten free recipes as it was intended.

pommyjohn1, Oct 21, 12:07pm
Hi Guys
I tried the spicy fruit loaf and the first few slices were great, however as I got further into the loaf it became a crumbly mess. I emailed my findings to Burgen and have yet to have a response. Brought back memories of the early experimental gf loaves.

earthangel4, Oct 21, 1:34pm
Hello all,
Melford I so enjoy your recipes, have written them all out and put them in a book, for myself,
Is it ok if I share them with my friends?
I made your scones the other day, and was enjoyed by all my gluten free friends.
cathnjim welcome back hun was just thinking of you yesterday, I have truely missed you.
I am back to my old self and feeling much better

herika, Oct 21, 2:38pm
No, I am not moderator of this board, and neither are you. I am free to post and I know people can make their own decisions of what they want to eat. Im not bickering with you. I cant force you to do anything. Im just posting information (that I know helps people). I posted some recipes but, trust me to do it, I copied and pasted them in the wrong thread! lol. I was going to direct people to that thread to read them rather than going to the trouble of copying and pasting them here too, but I think I might just take the time so that they are in this thread :)

herika, Oct 21, 2:39pm
Apricot Balls: Whiz 250g dried apricots with 1/4 cup (or less) sugar, the rind of one orange, 1 tlbsp orange juice and 1/2 cup coconut. Roll into balls in extra coconut. These freeze well :)

herika, Oct 21, 2:40pm
A tip for making a salad a bit different: spread some grated carrot and or grated raw beetroot over and top with chopped chives/dill/basil or mint :)

herika, Oct 21, 2:41pm
Almond and Rice Bread: 1/2 cup whole almonds, with skins, 1 1/2 cups brown rice flour, 4 tsp GF baking powder, 1/4tsp salt, 3 tsps poppy seeds, 1/2cup plain low-fat yoghurt, 1/2 cup water, 1 large whole egg, 1 large egg white, 2 tlbsps vege oil. Preheat oven to 180oC. Grease 8x4inch loaf pan. Place almonds and 1/2c of the flour in bowl of food processor grind til a fine meal is formed. Add rest rice flour, baking powder, salt and 2tsps of poppy seeds process briefly. Combine the remaining ingredients in a 2 cup measuring cup. With processor running pour liquid ingredients through feed tube over flour mix processing just long enough to mix. Transfer batter to prepared pan. Sprinkle with remaining seeds bake 55 minutes. Turn out on rack to cool. Slices best after several hours or next day :)

herika, Oct 21, 2:43pm
As with all recipes there may be some ingredients in some that you specifically cant have, not because they contain gluten, but maybe you have a certain allergy or intolerance to that particular thing, so you may have to omit or substitute that ingredient :)

herika, Oct 21, 3:02pm
Strawberry Smoothie 250g strawberries, hulled, 1 tsp clear honey (optional), 4 bananas, 1 tlbsp flaked almonds. Puree strawberries and honey together in blender or place in bowl and mash with a fork. Transfer mixture from blender to bowl and chill if desired. Slice bananas into individual dishes and pour over the puree. Scatter the almonds over and serve immediately. Serves 4. :)