Gluten free, weat free ,dairy free recipes

patchs, Jun 25, 4:22pm
Hi have had my dieat changed through the doctor and can no longer have the above. Can gluten/weat free flour replace normal flour ? ?
Any recpies would be great.
Am also needing ideas for breakfast and lunch? ?

patchs, Jun 25, 4:23pm
Missed the h in wheat lol

buzzy110, Jun 25, 6:27pm
Just use the search box located on the top left corner of this page. Type gluten free into the 'Keyword or Member' box, . In the 'Date Posted box, click the drop down arrow and click anytime. Then click search.

buzzy110, Jun 25, 6:32pm
Am curious. Are you hoping to continue eating the same sorts of foods that got you into this predicament in the first place, such as pasta, bread, porridge, cakes, biscuits and bagels, etc only using gluten free products and dairy substitutes or are you actually looking to completely overhaul your diet so that these foods a no longer part of your daily meal planning?

If the latter then the low carb, high fat is an excellent option if you wish to have some sort of life where you are not constantly thinking about food or your next meal.

bedazzledjewels, Jun 25, 6:55pm
Try this link - it'll bring up some sites to help you if you're thinking of low carb. Sometimes there are local sites too to give a NZ perspective. q=lowcarbcooking

herika, Jun 25, 7:12pm
I'll bump up the "Gluten Free Hints and Tips* thread for you. Hopefully it will help you as you start this new way of eating :)

frances1266, Jun 26, 12:02am
I will bring up a site with many excellent gluten free recipes for you.

frances1266, Jun 26, 12:05am
The site is titled Melford are you around, have bumped it up for you.
Skip the lectures, there are some good recipes here.

patchs, Jun 26, 12:25am
Thanks for all your help

earthangel4, Sep 6, 10:14pm
well done my friend, I miss melford sooo much, she has some awesome recipes.