We've cut the oil quantity down to a quarter of a cup, and it's nicer- thought it was too oily with half a cup.
Oct 13, 11:25pm
found some good recipes at these websites also on the gluten free kiwi website under eating G.F in nz if u scroll down enuf it will give u a list of cafes and restuants that gluten free people have sugested well worth a look
I made two recipes from the healthyfood website, the banana bread and choc cake with boysenberry topping. Was thrilled with the results as were the boys who are not GF.So nice and moist and tasty!Will be trying more next baking day.
Oct 19, 7:07pm
Glad you enjoyed them,I also enjoy there recipes.
Oct 30, 3:39pm
bumping up for crafty
Oct 30, 7:32pm
Thanks for all the amazing recipes and information, my son is gluten intolerant and I am always looking for different ideas for meal times, will be sure to try these recipes out
Nov 5, 9:01pm
bumping up,too good to lose.
Nov 9, 4:10pm
Another bump for Cassie
Nov 11, 3:15pm
Bumping up for the Christmas gluten free people. Am making Melfords Christmas cake yum lol
Nov 15, 6:27pm
Here's a site that's useful for all sorts of 'allergy/gluten free etc' - list of manufactured ingredients in NZ - its a data-base :) http://www.mfd.co.nz/
Dec 7, 6:27pm
Anyone wanting a 'naughty' Christmas treat.
Annabel Langbein's Ultimate Brownie works extremely well exchanging flour for GF flour.( I used Bakels this time) The dates make it beautifully moist and fudgy which is often difficult to achieve when baking GF. Recipe is on several threads here, but I can post again if anyone would like it.
Feb 24, 3:26pm
Hi just discovered 3 gluten free meals on sale at Countdown and New World,has anyone tried them and how much! http://www.tastypot.co.nz/
Mar 2, 1:29am
Hi earthangel - my daughter is also allergic to milk. You can read up about the milk allergy on this site http://www.allergyescape.com/milk-allergy.html. As for your pie making, I use texas muffins but I would think it would work in your muffin pans although it might be a bit fiddly to press the pastry into them. I usually roll out the pastry, use something to cut it the size of your pans (eg glass, biscuit cutter) and then I press that into a sprayed pan. Fill then do the same with the pastry for the top. Gently press the edges togther, brush with beaten egg and use a fork to clamp the edges together. Good luck with them
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