We have chuck steak as the main meat for tonight's dinner.
I dont want a stew/casserole type thing so basically if anyones keen you nominate a recipe and it'll be our dinner.
As stated it must have chuck steak and not be your traditonal stew/casserole type dish.
or just name an igrediient and if we have it we'll add it in .
First five ingredinets will be used (within reason )
Mar 5, 3:01pm
Mar 5, 3:06pm
run both sides with mustard powder and sugar. Lay flat as poss in a casserole. sprinkle with bit of flour sliced onlions on top mix equal quantities of Tomato sauce, worchertershire sauce and vinegr and drizzled over top. Cook for at least an hour on 180 - or longer at 150.
Mar 5, 3:07pm
add, red wine, rosemary, mushrooms and tomato paste to recipe
Mar 5, 3:12pm
this looks the go
does the meat have to be swimming in the tom sauce mix or just a shallow covering
I have tried both of these recipes and they are fantastic
Mar 5, 3:58pm
thanks Rainbow Pride. I've never seen that site,looks awesome
Mar 5, 4:05pm
hammer the heck out of it with a steak hammer, then marinade with balsamic vinegar, brown sugar, salt, pepper and oil, for about 3 hours, and then have it as frying steak, pat dry before frying.
Mar 5, 4:43pm
Then why use it? It's what it is. It sure isn't a frying steak. Take a sheet of heavy duty foil large enough to wrap your chuck steak, with enough extra to seal all edges into a tight package.
Chop finely: a small yellow onion a bell pepper a large rib of celery
Mix the minced veg with 1 tablespoon of beef bouillon granules and 2 teaspoons of preferred herbsand a generous amount of freshly ground black pepper.
Spread half the mixture on foil, plop steak on that, spread remaining mix on top and seal into airtight package.
Put package on baking/sheet pan and bake at 150 degrees for 3 hours. If you want, open foil and add chunked potatoes and/or carrots, ( reseal pkg ) for last 90 to 120 minutes.
Mar 5, 4:55pm
Marinate the meat and have with salads
Mar 5, 9:21pm
Sorry, had to deal with cows.Probably too late now lol. No it's not swimming.I think the original recipe was 1T of each - I do more though, probably 1/4 cup of each. I like the idea of adding wine and stuff - although then it would be more like a casserole?My one comes out like 'bits of steak' with onions on top.
Mar 5, 9:54pm
Steak pie?You would have to casserole the meat first though.
Mar 6, 2:58pm
We have chuck steak as the main meat for tonight's dinner.
I dont want a stew/casserole type thing so basically if anyones keen you nominate a recipe and it'll be our dinner.
As stated it must have chuck steak and not be your traditonal stew/casserole type dish.
or just name an ingrediient and if we have it we'll add it in .
First five ingredinets will be used (within reason )
Mar 6, 3:01pm
Mar 6, 3:58pm
thanks Rainbow Pride. I've never seen that site,looks awesome
Mar 6, 4:43pm
Then why use it! It's what it is. It sure isn't a frying steak. Take a sheet of heavy duty foil large enough to wrap your chuck steak, with enough extra to seal all edges into a tight package.
Chop finely: a small yellow onion a bell pepper a large rib of celery
Mix the minced veg with 1 tablespoon of beef bouillon granules and 2 teaspoons of preferred herbsand a generous amount of freshly ground black pepper.
Spread half the mixture on foil, plop steak on that, spread remaining mix on top and seal into airtight package.
Put package on baking/sheet pan and bake at 150 degrees for 3 hours. If you want, open foil and add chunked potatoes and/or carrots, ( reseal pkg ) for last 90 to 120 minutes.
Mar 6, 4:55pm
Marinate the meat and have with salads
Mar 6, 9:21pm
Sorry, had to deal with cows.Probably too late now lol. No it's not swimming.I think the original recipe was 1T of each - I do more though, probably 1/4 cup of each. I like the idea of adding wine and stuff - although then it would be more like a casserole!My one comes out like 'bits of steak' with onions on top.
Jun 10, 11:03am
Steak pie!You would have to casserole the meat first though.
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