I think this is a fantastic idea! Love the idea of the book having pre earthquake photos. I also like my cook books to lie flat on the bench and A5 size. How about a BBQ section and maybe Kids Favourite Party Foods! You guys are just awesome!
Mar 5, 6:57pm
How about a section for easy recipes for kids learning to cook!! This cook book idea is a real winner! I look forward to being the proud owner of one!
Mar 5, 7:18pm
I am sure there will be many many proud owners of this book.
Also we will need a name for the book.My DIL suggested cover being red and black or having those colours somewhere on the front cover - flag, logo or something.I keep seeing the cover of the edmonds book with the sunrise in the background - that being red and black and the work "sure to RISE UP".Excuse the pun Edmonds!
Also ideas on a tribute at the front of the book - any suggestions.I do like the Rise Up song - think it is Bruce Springsteen's!
Mar 5, 7:21pm
All the more reason that if you have a great recipe for the book.get it to PG via email or her FB page, that way it cannot be stolen by SOR
Mar 5, 7:22pm
recipes relevant the CHCH area too.like Cathedral cake!
When people submit their recipes would it be helpful to write " 1 cup sugar (xxxxx grams)" ! That way, bases are covered for those who prefer to weigh ingredients.
Mar 5, 7:43pm
Great song, but there would be a lot of New Zealand-composed alternatives.even Dave Dobbyn's 'Loyal'.
Mar 5, 9:08pm
pixiegirl wrote: Good suggestion - not sure of that one - what do others think.Should recipe be in its "original" written form with maybe a conversion table in the book - could be useful.[/quote.
I think you may be right PG. Maybe add those silly measurements or weights like golden syrup, half cup butter etc.
Mar 6, 12:56am
Thank you,will keep a look out for sure.
Mar 6, 12:58am
how about a diabetic baking recipes as well,hope you can post them over to aussie when you get it up and going,all the best to every one over there,and take care as well,
Mar 6, 12:35pm
thanks to everyone for the great suggestions and offers of help.Pixiegirl, loving those ideas for a cover.Did you know that Edmonds allowed a kindergarten to use their 'sure to rise' logo and a pun on their name for a fundraising recipe book once . so there's a chance we could as well!
Couldn't get near the computer for most of yesterday as Mr F was busy working . so off to catch up on emails etc.Have a good Sunday all, and praying for Chch for aftershocks to cease, and for power uninterrupted, hugs to all.
Mar 6, 1:09pm
How about incorporating the name "Phoenix" on the cover. (Phoenix arose from the ashes) Maybe with a photo of the Christchurch cathedral, a picture that I'm sure the whole country knows by now.
Mar 6, 2:26pm
Thanks for the suggestion kiwigirl252 - what part of Aus are you in.I have family over there with shop on the Central Coast - I may be able to get them to stock some for us.
Mar 6, 2:32pm
I would dearly love to give you some gluten free recipes,but have to decline as Aunt has said no,sign. I do not have any recipes of my own,but can help by buying the recipe book,when it becomes available. I am so sorry.
Mar 6, 3:33pm
EA that is fine - we understand.Many people may not be able to help with recipes but we will need people to buy the end product - so we are all working together to make this a success - one way or another.Stay stafe and keep warm.Is it cold down your way today - bit of a cold brezze here in Akl.
Mar 6, 4:31pm
yes lulu I think something with the cathederal on the front cover would be fitting.They were my initial thoughts on it as well - so very ChCh is the Cathederal isn't it.
Mar 6, 6:34pm
I like the sun as a symbol of rising.though not a copy of the Edmonds one.The sun rises without fail every day on both joy and despair, and is sometimes the only comfort to someone suffering.
There's a short poem by NZ poet C.K. Stead that touches on that.I'll try to find it.
Mar 6, 11:12pm
Can we have an update on how this is going in terms of copyright, recipe category's, how many recipes you intend to have in there or pages and size and also cost you intend to sell them for. I think this is a fab idea ill be getting all 3 of my sisters to buy one. :o)
Mar 7, 12:56am
Thank you,will keep a look out for sure.
Mar 7, 6:59pm
Hi tarshlove, great to see you here.Sorry for late reply but have been typing away here.So far we have about 50 recipes "donated"(fisher still getting to yours) but we desperately need more.Needs meats, crockpot, vegetables, pasta, starters and entrees, party food, cobb loaves, cheese balls, chicken, seafood, bbq, bread, jams pickles relish biscuits slices etc etc.The recipes we want are the ones that are tried and trusted, always popular, you always get people asking for the recipe or asking to make and bring along - they are the ones we need.However please be aware of copyright - they must be yours to give.
For those on facebook have a look at post #51 & 52 - you can send your recipes to me there - look for Pat and send me friend request and than you can send me recipes that way if you like - it is totally up to you.
There are so many posters on here who are always getting requests for their recipes, please come on board and give us a hand.If you have a MB friend who maybe hasn't posted on here for a while and has great recipes please give them the heads up.
This is all going for a great cause - Christchurch earthquake.
Initially thinking of selling the books for approx $15 each but we will relook at it when the time comes.The A5 size seems to be the most popular size so far.
To all those who have contributed so far - a huge thank you.So come on guys lets get some recipes posted. Pat & Andrea (fastlanenz)
Mar 7, 10:12pm
Bumping for night people.
Mar 7, 11:12pm
Can we have an update on how this is going in terms of copyright, recipe category's, how many recipes you intend to have in there or pages and size and also cost you intend to sell them for. I think this is a fab idea ill be getting all 3 of my sisters to buy one. :o)
Mar 8, 2:01pm
face book link please
Mar 8, 2:03pm
oops so sorry found it and joined
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