I never liked that as a kid, give me peanut butter anyday. Never had the stuff made or given to my kids either. Neither do they like or allow on their party tables.
Mar 7, 3:57pm
what a killer.
Mar 7, 4:06pm
What an awesome pic, I used to love fairy bread when I was a kid! !
Mar 7, 4:34pm
Yay someone whos NOT a killer!
Mar 7, 4:48pm
not a killer, just one whos never liked
Mar 7, 5:00pm
#1. You asked the question and got a response. Don't get too upset if it is not what you wanted to hear.
Great picture by the way.
I had never heard of fairy bread until last year but I can say, categorically, that I too, dislike not only fairy bread but even the very thought of it makes me want to blerk.
I guess my mother hadn't heard of it either. My upbringing was obviously seriously lacking. When I die and go to dietary purgatory I'm going to be having some serious words with my mother and her lack of proper nutritional knowledge. How dare she raise me all the way to adulthood and never once feed me white bread scrunched in hundreds and thousands. I need some sort of compensation. Who can I sue?
Mar 7, 5:03pm
And do you know what is worse. My 35 year old daughter has probably never heard of fairy bread either. Well I'm going to remedy that when my new grandson is born later this year. The very first solid food I am going to feed him will the fairy bread.
Mar 7, 5:21pm
mmm fariy piklets first choice, fairy bread close second. (how do you spell piklets? that doesn't look right but a c looks worse)
Mar 7, 8:16pm
... . killer
Mar 8, 2:52am
I too never had fairy bread! Hmmm. I think I have had it tough! ! !
Mar 8, 3:03am
2yr olds?
Mar 8, 3:03am
Too bad you don't like
Mar 8, 3:19am
ha ha - wow ! I remember - that 100's&thousands - yep good for kids took them to another dimension - a new look at live
Mar 8, 4:04pm
You have had it tough kanasie. You and I both. I cringe now when I think how I've deprived my children. If they never talk to me again, I'll jolly well have deserved it.
Mar 8, 4:14pm
how does it stick to the bread? My boss mentioned the term to me just last week and i had no idea what she was on about lol
Mar 8, 4:25pm
you butter the bread, then sprinkle the rainbow joy all over them
Mar 8, 4:27pm
sounds as good as tomatoes on toast with sugar sprinkled on top instead of salt. (dont knock it till you try it lol)
Mar 8, 4:38pm
there are some weird things out there that just work. when I was a kid, I used to have bread and heap it with sugar. yum
Mar 8, 5:21pm
Strictly a party food here. Butterfly and heart shapes on super thick toast bread. And not sprinkled too thickly.
Very visual
Mar 8, 10:12pm
LMAO I dare you to go into Parenting and say that! ! lo.
As for fairy bread - Hmmm... . neat pic :)I never had it as a kid, heard about it when i had my own kids, but never made it for them, never had any parties where it was served either... can't imagine what it would taste like... sweet bread? lol.
Have some 100's & 1000's in the cupboards, kids enjoy them on cupcakes...
Mar 9, 12:15am
What sheltered lives you've lead not have heard of fairy bread~! I'm not a huge fan but use to think it looked very "smart" on the table when I was little, I suppose because it was so colourful.
Mar 9, 12:38am
Its great for school functions - it usually goes well before any of the other foods. Not to mention its easy to make when your in a hurry!
Mar 9, 12:23pm
Fairy bread brings up lovely memories of the innocence of childhood and seeing it through a childs eyesfor what fairybread looked like. To me it was just simple tiny triangle shaped buttered bread that we had very ocassionally as a treat at a birthday party . This was started before the PC parenting or PC eating habits came into our lives. Lovely memories of eating food without being judged for what one eats.
Mar 9, 4:08pm
Try this variation. Don't use butter. That's just boring. The version I'm feeding my grandson (when the time comes) will be made with sweetened condensed milk. I'll thickly spread that on the whitest bread I can find, with the crusts removed, of course, then smother packets of those coloured thingies all over.
Aren't there other coloured thingies that come in gold and silver. Do you think those would go well as well?
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