Bread maker..Dough cycle?

neil_di, Aug 2, 10:56pm
I have put a mix on dough mode and now have to go out..will not be home til about an hour after it finishes. Will I still be able to shape into rolls and bake ..please your advice .

efashions, Aug 2, 11:26pm
yes you can and it will be fine

kinna54, Aug 2, 11:37pm
yes. it will have completed the rise, but it should re shape ok. after re shaping into your rolls, leave a few mins, and then bake. I wouldn't leave it too long before baking, otherwise it may over prove, and bread could be slighly holey.

neil_di, Dec 11, 3:42pm
Thank you. kinna and home earlier ..rolls just out of oven looking yummy.