Where to get compressed yeast and bread improver??
Jul 16, 2:44pm
or how do i make "active yeast" (small ball beads) to act the same as compressed yeast??? Have made lovely "store bought" bread yesterday with these ingredients that i got from a bread making course but need more to continue with every day making and not just a one off.
Jul 16, 3:27pm
www.mybreadmix.co.nzFor improver. Cake yeast - could ask a supermarket or bakery, whats wrong with dried yeast, I've tried both, no difference.
Jul 18, 4:51pm
sometimes the bakers at supermarket will sell it
Jul 18, 5:36pm
try the tasti brand of dried yeast, it has bread improvers in it. It's very hard to buy fresh (compressed) yeast and if you can get it, it is in large amounts and doesn't keep overly well.
Jul 19, 11:49pm
I've seen it at Moore Wilsons but I don't think that will help you in Rotoroua
Jul 20, 12:06am
We sell fresh yeast at Nosh (is that the same thing?) and you can get bread improver from Binn Inn :)
Nov 26, 11:42pm
The book that came with my bread maker and also my alison holst bread cook book both say a crushed up vit c tablet is bread improver.
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