Stewing plums to use in crumbles etc

robyn35, Feb 19, 8:15am
I have never stewed plums before but have been given a big bag full.Whats the best way to stew them?Split in half with the stone removed, do you leave the skin on and do you cook them until they are just soft?Thanks

greerg, Feb 19, 8:22am
I like to halve them and remove the stones because I hate picking things out of my food although it's fine to leave them in and remove them as you eat them.It would be a pain de-stoning really small plums but good big ones are easy.Leave the skin on, add a little sugar but only the tiniest pit of water to stop them sticking and cook tilll soft.

cgvl, Feb 19, 8:23am
I remove the stones.
make a syrup with sugar and water to the strength you like (very sweet would be 2 cups sugar to 2 cups water, light would be 1cup sugar to 2cups water)
heat syrup to fast simmer and add plums, cook until just soft (probably 5mins). Remove plums and put into either sterilised jars and fill to over flowing with the syrup and put screw type lids on.
Place plums into containers ie clean marge containers, add some of the syrup and freeze. Label well.
I do the second one now as dont have enough jars. Pays to do a few plums at a time usually ½ dozen plums to a container

that amount being for 2 adults.

kinna54, Feb 19, 8:25am
Depending on the size and type of plum. if they are the bigger ones (like the red variety) you can halve and de stone, but smaller plums just wash, stew with the skin on, and after cooking you can remove the stones and any skin, (usually it rises to the surface) with a slotted spoon.

raewyn64, May 4, 8:55am
I used to freeze my plums straight off the tree. Then when I wanted them for crumbles etc I would pull out a bag of them, empty them into a large bowl, microwave them for about 8 minutes and they were done. Then I would get my blender stick out and give them a bit of a zap with them and that would often take a lot of the flesh off the stone so I could then take out the stones and use the flesh for the crumble.