What can i do with cherry tomatoes

teddy147, Feb 19, 4:00am
we love them but have to admit we are getting a bit sick of them, i have made them in sauce's, and in salads or own there own.
and different pasta ideas or tarts etc ? tia

teddy147, Feb 19, 4:07am
thankyou i will try some them

dorothy_vdh, Feb 19, 5:11am
I just roasted some for dinner this evening.
Olive oil,balsamic vinegar,brown sugar,salt and pepper.
they were delicious

pisces47, Feb 19, 5:43am
We made some tomato pesto with herbs and cashews for dip with our wine and crackers

poppy62, Feb 19, 11:09pm
They are fabulous made into a topping for a nice crusty bread - bruschetta.Chp the cheery tomatoes into halves or quarters.Add a finely chopped red onion.A clove of garlic, chpped basil, chopped corriander, salt and pepper to taste.Sprinkle on lemon or lime juice and some olive oil.Amazing - fresh, crispy and healthy.I add a bit of fresh chillie to mine cause I like the extra zing.Toast your crusty bread by brushing it with garlic infused olive oil and browning in a pan.Put the tomato topping on and finely grate parmesan cheese on top.

teddy147, May 4, 10:58am
i made tomatoe paste with them and put 3 containers into the freezer, will use some tonight on our pizza.i will make some sauce and bottle it.