Is instant coffee gluten free??

kizzier, Feb 14, 1:58am
Is freeze dried and powdered coffee gluten free??

kizzier, Feb 14, 12:08pm
All of them? I ahve heard they use wheat flour as a filler but cannot find anything that states this on any packaging....

accroul, Feb 14, 12:33pm
the fancy coffee mixes that have powdered beverage whitener might not be GF....

lilyfield, Feb 14, 1:39pm
never thought of those- that is not coffee .
look at the logic of it- gluten, any, would leave a cloudy film, deposit in your liquid. Most coffee is just clear see through brown flavor

horseyokel98, Feb 14, 4:35pm
a lot of instant coffees contain gluten.Check the labels.

prawn_whiskas, Feb 14, 4:48pm

It comes down to how they have been processed.

kizzier, Feb 14, 4:50pm
that's a rather naive way to look at it.....that is no way to tell!

prawn_whiskas, Feb 14, 5:02pm
Might be nicer/easier to get some perk grind or fresh beans and get one of those coffee plungers?No Worries then.

kizzier, Feb 14, 5:11pm
I think it might be the way! Thanks :-)

jcprotea, Apr 20, 6:44am
Mount Hagen coffee is gluten free.