If you look at New Zealand food legislation you will see most foodstuffs are permitted to have a certain level of insect contamination. With grains and pulses it comes with the territory. Nuts and dried fruit, too - I usually freeze or microwave nuts before storage. Check out your soup mix pack if you have not used it for a while - some of that "dust" in the bottom will be insects or their frass or excreta. And as for muesli - I have opened brand-name packs straight after bringing them home from the supermarket and found them to contain webs. It's a bug-eat-bug world out there!
Feb 12, 6:00pm
If you look at New Zealand food legislation you will see most foodstuffs are permitted to have a certain level of insect contamination. With grains and pulses it comes with the territory. Nuts and dried fruit, too - I usually freeze or microwave nuts before storage. Check out your soup mix pack if you have not used it for a while - some of that "dust" in the bottom will be insects or their frass or excreta. And as for muesli - I have opened brand-name packs straight after bringing them home from the supermarket and found them to contain webs. It's a bug-eat-bug world out there!
Feb 12, 6:06pm
Oh my - I never knew all that.
Not sure I feel better or not now.But very interesting.Thanks.
Feb 12, 6:07pm
Its a good idea in general to store your Nuts in the freezer, it prevents them going rancid and extends their shelf life. (they don't have a 'shelf' life because they should be in the fridge or freezer lol)
Feb 12, 6:07pm
Its a good idea in general to store your Nuts in the freezer, it prevents them going rancid and extends their shelf life. (they don't have a 'shelf' life because they should be in the fridge or freezer lol)
Feb 10, 11:44pm
Don't use much flour but keep wholemeal flour ,oatbran etc in the frig. Always have plenty of bay leaves off our tree scattered in the pantry , these keep the weevils away.
Feb 11, 11:08am
It is the humidity I think that brings them out. I live in Rarotonga and can't count the packets of food I have thrown out!Now keeping my flour in the freezer - and even stuck the rice and pasta in there yesterday, so will see how that goes.Quite often even the stuff on the supermarket shelves has the bugs hatched in it - and they are factory sealed - so yes, I am afraid the eggs etc are in there already - YUCK YUCK YUCKI justrefuse to think about that!
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