if it's just a little bit freezer burnt I wouldn't throw it out. Do you have a rough idea of how long it's been in the freezer for?
Oct 19, 6:17pm
6 months to a year maybe??
Oct 19, 6:26pm
I would eat eat.- its food- costs money- can't harm you.
Oct 19, 10:52pm
Freezer burn is basically just freeze dryed edges though some foods take on other flavours too. Meat I casserole and you wouldn't know fish I feed to the cat but then I have a good supply of fresh.
Oct 19, 11:24pm
out with it, bin it. Must have been poorly wrapped to begin with..
Oct 20, 2:46am
If its only a little burnt rub some dry mustard powder on the burnt patches.It was my grandads theory im not sure what it does but it seems to work ok.
Oct 20, 3:45am
If it was just on the edges couldn't you just cut that off?Or does it affect the taste of the meat?
Oct 20, 4:21am
I defrost it and cut those bits off, can't bear wastage.. and yep, it's usually because I've damaged the packaging. I've heard you should throw it though.. so your choice.
Oct 20, 5:11am
I remember a few years ago taking a rather large joint of freezer burnt beef with me to feed the dogs when I went to stay with friends out in the middle of nowhere.When I announced that the meat was for the dogs, my friend said "bugger the dogs" - then unbeknown to me, the friend cooked the meat all afternoon in a dutch oven and it was so delicious and tender it wasn't funny.Nothing wrong with it.
Oct 20, 2:47pm
Many thanks for all ya ideas
Jun 13, 10:10pm
I've used freezer burnt meat too and never had a problem. Took out a pack of pork pieces that looked like they'd been in the freezer for years and asked my hubby what he thought and whether I should give it to the dogs. He said NO cook it. It was yum sweet and sour casserole that night :)
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