Fish fingers anyone else eat supermarket varieties
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Oct 21, 2:52am
Yes I know they are easy to make.I like fish fingers but Sealord seem to have changed the classic crumb and no longer golden or as crunchy.Anyone tried the Independent or Captains Choice sorts?Are they OK or taste of mudfish?
Oct 21, 3:18am
theres very little fish in fishfingers
Oct 21, 4:17am
The Independant brand are OK......the little ankle biters that come around here love them, so I always keep some in my freezer.And I sometimes put a couple of extra in the pan for me....:-)
Oct 21, 4:59am
Not sure if that is the info these people want :)
Oct 21, 5:03am
We are of the same breed as you darl
Oct 21, 5:07am
Well for my part I just feel very sad for all those little fish without their fingers. It makes me want to cry.
But seriously though has anyone considered what fish they use? It must be my heritage because eating fish that may have been feasting on a passing human body is just not acceptable to me.
Oct 21, 5:08am
Oh fudgeLOL
Oct 21, 5:47am
Sealord says that minimum half of the fish fingers is actual fish:
Thank you for youe reply rainrain.That's what I wanted to know.Sometimes I dispair. Ask a simple question and all I want is a simple reply.There must be a lot of worried well out there.Thank you too Uli. The TV programme "What's in our Food," found that fish fingers aremade from fish fillets.
Oct 26, 5:14am
kclu... I make my own fish fingers/nuggets because I can.. fresh caught fish straight from the sea... and I know whats in it.. Nothing wrong with the fish fingers you mentioned but the naysayers will moan and groan about the product .. which of course have the cheapest leftover fish in their contents... Maybe a bit time consuming but why not buy some cheaper fish fillets.. slice them up and crumb them.. par fry them and then freeze in meal portions.. that way you will know what the content is.. and how crunchy the crumb will be.. maybe ass a few herbs in the crumb mix as well..
Oct 27, 3:25am
Thanks fisher.I always appreciate the comments that you make on this site.
Oct 27, 4:40am
"maybe ass a few herbs in the crumb mix as well.." Oh dear , if you didn't guess, it was sposed to be "add" When you have the crumbs ready, just stir in a few pinches of mixed herbs , OR fennel, OR dill to give a faint hint but not enough for kids to notice and screw their faces up lol} lemon pepper is also a good standby...
Oct 27, 4:49am
"maybe ass a few herbs in the crumb mix as well.." LOL
Oct 27, 5:47am
Mmmm, ass herbs, where do you get those from fisher?
Oct 27, 6:31am
Great idea Fisher but the cheapest fish in the supermarket today was $25 per kilo and that was for Basa.
Oct 27, 6:43am
cookessentials wrote: Mmmm, ass herbs, where do you get those from fisher?[/ Well, even though I'm not fisher, I couldn't resist replying to this one.I would think the most likely source for ass herbs would b a paddock with a donky or three in it.Lol!BTW, I enjoy Independent fishfingers too.haven't had the Sealord ones laely, but they sound like the could well be a bit of a disappointment now. Cheers quote]
Oct 27, 6:55am
Wow - which supermarket was that?
Oct 27, 9:58am
i agree with the comment re sealord - we used to love their fish fingers and it was the only brand we bought, but after they changed it recently - blargh!!!!!!!!!
Oct 27, 10:35am
kay141... not sure how that fish passed the relative authorities to get into nz.. got to be dumped somewhere I spose... Give Basa a miss.. Even Kahawai can be made into fingers by simply filleting and then removing the red bloodline.. this can be added to the cats food intake for the week. :} I also make brilliant fish cakes using the white flesh for Kahawai but it's also a great fish smoked.. Kahawai Fish Cakes: Best prepared by using an old type hand mincer Ingredients: 500g Kahawai.. 500g potato.. salt and pepper.. 1 tbsp mixed herbs.. 1/2 cup FRESH chopped parsley.. sprinkle lemon pepper..little lemon zest.. 1 cup breadcrumbs ( or use "cook n coat" ). Method: Remove the red flesh from the kahawai and mince the white flesh (on fine blade).. Add all the other ingredients and mix in well. Set aside.. Using a separate bowl mince the potato and drain off the excess liquid.. Place the potato in a clean tea towel and squeeze to remove excess fluid.. Drain off any fluids from the fish mix and add the potato and combine well.. Put back through the mincer and then form into patties dip in breadcrumbs all around and shallow fry over med heat until golden brown.. Variations: (a) You can make mussel fritters using this same recipe with pre-steamed mussels ( reduce quantities ) (b) Make seafood fritters using minced prawns, crabmeat and mussels and add a little fish...
Oct 27, 10:51am
Kay141.. I cant comprehend how a nation that has a seafood resource such as New Zealands has fish so expensive in our shops... I am fortunate enough to go out often enough on friends or my own boat to have such a resource and variety at hand even to going some exotic fish not normally often found...(broadbill marlin bluenose bass etc) It scares me knowing that nzers as yourself have to pay $25 per kilo for substandard, tasteless fish (I presume this from other peoples reactions) However I did see small whole gutted snapper at Pak N Save for $9.95 per kilo.. You can normally assume you will get 1/3rd the filleted weight from a whole fish (1kg from 3 kg fish)but these would have been a nice size to bake whole with butter, fennel, seasoning, lemon slices and juice wrapped in foil... Hoki is IMHO another cheapish fish which most of the fish fingers are made from but better than the imported Basa by far.. not to my taste but then I suppose I'm spoilt..:}
Oct 27, 5:20pm
the whole snapper are a good buy, once filleted I throw the frame, wings and head in a pot with a tiny bit of water and steam, then remove the rest of the meat, theres a fair bit on the head, and add a finely chopped onion, some mashed spud, half cup of flour, and the juice from the pot I steamed it in (pour it thru a seive in case of scales) salt and pepper, shape into fishcakes, crumb then freeze on one of my oven trays. Really good when you have unexpected guests, they cook from frozen, and with a quick green salad, are excellent.
Oct 27, 6:50pm
I agree it is shameful. I have never seen snapper in the supermarkets in Wellington. Mainly pre-frozen and very highly priced fillets. Maybe that is what sells here. Like steak from an animal slaughtered and butchered that day.
Oct 27, 9:01pm
Hehe - does the smell of Basa remind you somewhat of sewer fisher? In fact it should not - as the fillets are most likely washed in a weak bleach solution before being frozen ...
Oct 27, 9:05pm
Sounds lovely.
Oct 27, 9:19pm
We are lucky here in the Wairarapa in that we get fish straight from Ngawi and Cape Palliser from a chap who sells it fresh on certain days of the week. Kay, did you know that there is a chap that sells it directly from his trawler at the boat ramp in Evans Bay? apparently, it is beautiful fish.
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