How do i freeze tomatos

touchofgrey, Feb 5, 2:46am
what do i need to do to freeze tomato is there any secret

lythande1, Feb 5, 2:59am
A plastic bag and a freezer.
Fill bag, tie and bung in freezer.

whitehead., Feb 5, 3:13am
decide if you wont to skin them and if you wont the seeds then cut out the rough bit at the top cut a cross in the bottom and drop them in boiling water drain hot water after about a minute and cover with cold water then they should just slip out of their skins you can also crush then to get rid of the seeds and pop in a plastic bag push air out seal and put in deep freeze

lythande1, Feb 5, 4:08am
Easier to get the skins off after you thaw them, they fall off then.

joybells2, Feb 5, 5:01am
i wash, cut in half and freeze on a tray, then when frozen pop in bags.Ok to bake in oven from frozen or pop in casseroles etc.

jag5, Feb 5, 6:23am
Wash, chop (takes up less room) and I pop into icecream containers (easy to stack).On average, 1 container holds approx 1.5kgs - easy to remember when making into soups, sauces etc.