2nd Feb 2010 After a long absense from the supermarket due to a massive shop prior to Christmas my normally groaning freezer is looking a little empty and sad.... probably down to its last 10 meals.I am going to start restocking it by buying bulk of the specials....I have all the main supermarkets and the Mad Butcher on the way to work...
Any hints on where to aim for...
I'll probably get some beef from the Mad Butcher.... here are this weeks specials... will just stop and see what looks good, probably a topside roast, snitzel, minceand sirloin.
Topside Roasts ( plain or seasoned ) Only $10.99 kilo
Save $3kg off our everyday low price! 1.5 kilo pack Beef Steak Mince For Only $10 pack
Save over $3.48 per pack off our everyday low price! BBQ Steak ( plain or marinated )Only $9.99 kilo
Save $3kg off our everyday low price! Sirloin Steak Only $16.99 kilo
Save $8kg off our everyday low price!Beef Stewing Steaks Only $8.49 kilo
Great value at this low price! Crumbed Beef Schnitzel Only $8.99 kilo
Save $8kg off our everyday low price! Rolled Roast Beef ( plain or seasoned ) Only $8.99 kilo
Save $2kg off our everyday low price! Mad Butcher Beef Flavoured Sausages Only $4.99 kilo
Anywhere else I should head for... Thanks in advance.
Feb 1, 11:42am
PS.Anyone buy the seasoned rolled roast? or Seasoned Topside Roast?Would you reccommend it? and how would you cook it.
Feb 1, 12:05pm
Maybe they are better but I bought a rolled roast years ago & it would have made scragendseem good. very little meat & lots of chewy grizzle.
Feb 1, 12:08pm
Thats what I was worried about... What about a seasoned topside then... does that mean a slit cut and stuffing added or seasoning sprinkled on the outside only... guess I'll find out.
I brought a seasoned topside in a vacuum pack once and we found the flavour way too overwhelming.
Feb 1, 12:15pm
export meat has chicken maryland on special for 4.79 kilo bone in & 50 precooked sausages for 16.99, savoloys @ $5.99 kilo if of interest, i know the feeling of gleaming into the freezer hoping for something imperating to pop out at ya, time to restock for me too, guy in town selling $120 worth of beef 10 kilo lots, might get one to try, done through imlay i think, see whether its worth it, mind you i love the thrill of getting a s/market bargain
Feb 1, 12:20pm
Aussie Butcher has chicken breasts $11.99kg.Topside Roasts are very lean and tend to dry out so cook slowly and gently or in the crock pot.Rolled Roasts are very fatty and have little meat
Feb 1, 12:34pm
Great... Aussie Butcher can be on the way home as well... just remembered Pork & Poultry Ti Takau Drives as well.... mmm wonder what there specials are.
Feb 1, 12:35pm
Aussie Butcher from there website... interestingly no mention of chicken breasts... so thanks
Pork n Poultry you have to sign up for there specials... will post when they email them to me.
Feb 1, 1:12pm
i wouldnt buy a rolled roast its chewy and its a bit like find the meat - topside roast is good just oven bag it to slow cooker.
Feb 1, 1:22pm
heya Toadie :)
I've bought the rolled roast from MButcher and wouldn't buy it again - unless it was $3.99kg LOL.As mentioned it's grisley and fatty as heck :(Not nice next day either for sammies :(
I'm doing a stock up this week too.Pak'n'Save are looking good for the marg 3 for $5, I use marg in MOST of my baking.
Feb 1, 1:53pm
Thanks for this thread Toady. Next week I'm going to try the other extreme and buy a meat pack direct from a Waikato farmer. I'm hoping for superb quality for my bucks!
Feb 1, 2:15pm
now thats the way to go!!!
Feb 1, 2:45pm
Thought I'd give it a try Motorbo!
Here's where I've ordered from - very nice people btw. They're on facebook too.
oh kewl, are you getting one of the packs there? i know its only me but im over bad meat you pay alot for, so it might be the go huh
Feb 1, 3:11pm
Yes - I'm getting the smallest pack just to trial. Instead of sausages, he's putting in extra mince. Can't wait. I'll have to clear out the freezer a bit though!
Feb 1, 3:21pm
Chicken breasts.....much cheaper to buy a fresh chicken on special and remove the breasts. Use the hindquarters as you please, maybe freezing till you have enough to ?casserole.Hope you are happy with your meat bedazz, it will be good advertising for them if you are as I am sure others will follow your lead.
Feb 1, 3:34pm
hmmm didnt think of that, i should have enough freezer space, oh good i woudlnt want the sausages either! let us know if its nice you can be the guinea bedazzled LOL
Feb 1, 4:23pm
Can't believe I have never worked that one out for myself... we usually cube up boneless chicken breast to I could take off the whole legs and wings and freeze, then the breasts and all other usuable meat in a bag for stirfry, butter chicken etc... Thanks Mary.
Right Pak'n'Save on the way to work.
$11.99 Marinated Pork Sirloin.. got 7 peices for a family BBQ - $10.50 - Got these loose from Meat cabinet as the ones in pack didn't have the even size and quantity I was after.
$8.99 Kg - Lamb Sholder chops, brought 4 of these loose from the meat cabinet and got nice lean ones that were closer to leg chops than shoulder.
Yucky Meat rissoles (like sausages) that hubby likes on the BBQ $2.25 for tray 9. - can't help his taste I am afraid and it does cheaply bui
Reduced to clear.. 3 whopper chicken legs (Drum & Thigh) for $5.50 a tray, so got all 3 of those.This will make 2 meals for $8.25 per meal.
Feb 1, 6:33pm
Oh no... not for me.... I am one of those blinkered people who prefer to buy from supermarkets or butchers... yes I know where it comes from but for me, the less I have to do with the "process" the better. I always remember one of my girls when they were really really small making the connection with Lambs in the paddock and Roast Dinners ... I told them at the time "no our roasts come from supermarkets... " I left the cold hard facts till they were a little older and able to process it....People might not agree but it's my family so was therefore my choice.
Good on you though, bet its far superior to anything i can buy.
Feb 1, 6:36pm
same, I like meat to come on plastic trays or from the market or butchers
Feb 1, 7:36pm
We bought from him about 4 years ago when he was just listing on Trademe and his prices were really good.The meat was great, it was packed in sizes for just the 2 of us and he delivered it to us.
Feb 1, 7:39pm
Oh, I'm pleased to hear this Raewyn. Thanks.
Feb 2, 1:01am
Let us know how you get on,I am thinking of the 10kg pack.Do you get a choice in how they vacuum pack it?Ieyou would want say packs of 2, while I am after packs for 4. Will be interested in your feedback.
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