Refreezing meat

raewyn64, Jun 10, 11:46pm
i have read many times the questions and suggestions about people who have thawed out red meat and didn't use it and want to refreeze it without cooking it. And how the suggestion is not to do it.
My question is why? What is the possible outcome?I am talking red meat - stewing steak, schnitzel etc andnot chickens.
i am just curious that is all.

kiwitracy, Jun 10, 11:51pm

mouse_y, Jun 10, 11:53pm
Bacteria count zooms up and it just tastes bad

kiwitracy, Jun 10, 11:55pm

kiwitracy, Jun 10, 11:56pm

raewyn64, Jun 11, 12:00am
Thanks very much that answers it quite well I think.
I appreciate your help.

1suze, Jun 11, 12:24am
How many people get that popup for 999.999th or whatever visitor when opening link #2

dezzie, Jun 11, 12:48am
not me 1suze..

raewyn64, Jun 11, 11:46pm
i have read many times the questions and suggestions about people who have thawed out red meat and didn't use it and want to refreeze it without cooking it. And how the suggestion is not to do it.
My question is why! What is the possible outcome!I am talking red meat - stewing steak, schnitzel etc andnot chickens.
i am just curious that is all.

dezzie, Oct 18, 9:07pm
not me 1suze.