I often pop into recipes, and have loved some of the ideas shared, but find the idea of posting a bit unappetising because of some of the criticisms dished out.I thought this story from Elliehen needed to be bumped, and maybe in the spirit of Christmas, goodwill could prevail in recipes. Maybe a Christmas truce!
Oct 7, 12:39am
Shame on granny. She chain smoked in a confined space which contained her grandson. When the caring grandson tried to get her to see the error of her ways she threw a tantrum in disguise - crying. And you think the grandson was being unkind! Too bad about the thoughtless granny.
Shades of Alice in Wonderland here.
What next! Should grandpa decide to have a few drinks on the road for lunch and then drive perhaps the grandson should keep his mouth shut because it is better to be kind than say something!
The boy's parents and granddad need to protect their son from granny's toxic smoke.
There is another saying - "Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind". Granny should take her head out of the sand and elli, you need to pick morality stories with higher morals if you want to beat me over the head with them.
Oct 7, 12:54am
LOL - well the thought was there
Oct 7, 1:01am
Yes but it was only a thought. Actually those people who want a truce want to continue throwing barbs and purposely misunderstanding the posts of others so they can make naff comments about them. What they really want is for the person/persons they are aimed at to not throw barbs back.
Anytime you lot decide to play nice, speaking for myself, I am only too happy to respond in kind.
I'm sure you will not disappointment though nfh1. I can always rely on to be what you always are.
Oct 7, 1:01am
nfh1, that must be what is meant by "a snowball's chance in hell" ;)
Oct 7, 1:03am
I rest my case.
Oct 7, 1:08am
thank you so much for sharing your recipe.i brought a couple of pudds a few months back meaning to use them somewhere and now with Xmas fast approaching,I know just what to do.I'm pretty sure they are still ok with the amount of sugar in them they should be fine.Thanks again.
Oct 7, 1:09am
bumping for xmas :):) lolz edited for spelling.
Oct 7, 1:19am
Thanks moviebug. I understood your goodwill.
Oct 7, 1:21am
.and another bump, after a somewhat b-b-b-bumpity start ;)
Oct 7, 2:03am
Actually you are wrong - I am never disappointed with your posts - you always live up to my expectations, often surpass them.
Oct 7, 2:14am
This is the way it goes on here: Uli makes some comment,her little acolyte buzzy is immediately in and backs her up,then either Ellie or Cooks jumps in and another ridiculous fight ensues.I'm clearly one of many that is fed up with the whole damned thing.All four of these posters are really valuable contributors with a wealth of knowledge.
I second the suggestion of a truce but have absolutely expectation of one.
FGS,all of you,grow up.
Oct 7, 2:27am
Let's go for a truce as moviebug suggests.Put your hands up. Egos and hurts aside, Lets post and comment kindly. No replies to antagonistic stuff. Ignore that. How about we give it a go. Any takers.
Oct 7, 2:49am
I'll play Defence :)
Oct 7, 12:53pm
It's the natural position - I find the other team very offensive.
Oct 7, 2:04pm
FFSladies GROW UP you all have a wealth of good knowledge to pass on, this is a recipe thread if you want to have a fight go over to opinions. .Any wonder heaps of good people have stopped posting in here its the same old story someone posts a idea and then look out its slammed cause someone dosen't like it. We all have different tastes and #1 don't let this put you off coming back to recipes its a great place with lots of lovely people advice and ideas, because its a public message board sadly some like to hide behind a computer screen and slag others.
Oct 7, 2:26pm
11 weeks until Christmas.
Oct 7, 2:41pm
Thankyou, well said.
Oct 7, 4:19pm
I find uli and buzzy post negitive in all threads not just recipes they must sit there all day degrading peaple
Oct 7, 5:53pm
Awsome. who would have thought that 'Recipes' had it's very own wee bitch fights too! *sniggers*
Poster one. I made something similar last year. and was very kitsch even by then blobbing on a little melted white choc on the top, then using slices of red and green 'cherries' so that each christmas pud truffle looked like a mini chrissy pud.Obviously I had WAY too much time on my hands last year!
Oct 7, 6:20pm
Take your head out of the sand and read more carefully. Most of our posts are positive and helpful. The post you just made was more negative.
Oct 7, 6:29pm
Like I said before - more than once btw - I am happy to not indulge in these rather childish argy bargies. Just stop making nasty comments about me all the time. It is quite simple, and that goes for you puresteam and anyone else who wants to continue making barbed and patently biased and untrue remarks aimed directly at me and expect me to take it on the chin.
Smile all of you. It is good for your skin and yes, as BJ said, Xmas is just 11 weeks away. OMG. Is it that close! I've got two family birthdays to celebrate between now and then so it is always a busy time of the year.
Who's looking forward to the seasonal glut of strawberries! I can always rely on strawberries to make any occasion festive.
Oct 7, 6:38pm
Chocolate strawberries :)
Oct 7, 6:51pm
Some of those are very flash! I'm going to try chocolate covered bacon.
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