I have a huge amount of gooseberries and would really appreciate any favourite recipes. I am not a fan of them hence lack inspiration but I have no intention of wasting them. Went to feed the chooks tonight and lo and behold picked a bucketful of mushrooms. Onto the barbie in garlic better along with fresh garden salad and our own farm raised beef steaks...heaven. Anyone else picking mushrooms? seems an odd time of the year to be doing it.
Jan 2, 12:09pm
Have a recipe for an English 'Gooseberry Fool' but have had a long day and will hunt it out tomorrow...I mean, later today ;)
Jan 2, 12:15pm
Did a quick Anytime search for gooseberries - not many threads.
Jan 2, 5:33pm
Gooseberry Jam (Aunt Daisy) 3lb gooseberies 6 large cups water 6lb sugar Boil hard 90 mins; just before lifting add 1TBSP vanilla or strawberry essence.
Jan 2, 6:10pm
Gooseberry Meringue Pie(I don't have quantities for this)
Top and tail hard green gooseberries.Cook with no water, but little butter to stop them sticking (you'll get water from the fruit).
Sweeten to taste.Mix goosberries with soft breadcrumbs and the yolk of some eggs, add vanilla essence.Place in an ovenproof dish and cook until set.Make a meringue from the whites, spread on top and return to the oven until the meringue is browned.
When my grandmother first made this recipe very, very many years ago her husband and sons barked at it like a dog barking at something they didn't recognise.When asked what it was she replied "It's the mystery of our dog Jim" and the recipe became "Dog Jim" in the family.People who hate goosberries love this.You can also make it on a shortcrust base and serve it like a biscuit square.I found a similar recipe in an old Aunt Daisy book and that may be the origin of this.
Jan 2, 6:14pm
Gooseberry Fool
I remember my father making this when left to babysit once for a day.
It was an easy recipe and I (at about 13 or 14) was horrified at the extravagence -- no-one ever bought 2 bottle of cream!!
1 pt cream whipped. Goosberries cooked with very little water and sweetened to taste. Sieve goosberries, and mix with the cream.
Jan 2, 6:17pm
Freezing gooseberries. Just top and tail an put in freezer bags.You can then use them to make you dog jim.Bottled gooseberries are no good for that.
Jan 2, 8:04pm
old farmer thing is that where theres mushrooms theres excema, both being fungus and all, so I'd start preventative measures/zinc in short order if it was me. lol, and I love gooseberry pies.
Jan 2, 10:13pm
suzanna, are they the cape goosberries in the paper cases??. I love them so much. I would LOVE to buy some, hint hint!!, as im sure other people would as well. List some on here:)
Jan 2, 10:26pm
vintagekitty, these recipes are for the old-fashioned stripey gooseberries, but if you want to grow Cape Gooseberries in the little paper 'cages' they are SO easy.I have seedlings popping up like weeds.Cape Gooseberries are delicious chilled and then dipped in dark chocolate.
Your local nursery should have some plants.They are indestructible once they get going, are great producers and good for 'grazing' on in the garden :)
Jan 2, 10:34pm
Ive tried ellie, the snow and heavy frost kills the wee plants before they even have a chance. They dont even pop up again in summer. I have tried planting them in late spring, but that doesnt work either
Jan 2, 10:57pm
My father used to grow cape goosberries in Dunedin, but we had a north facing section (at Lookout Point).Start them inside and probably cover till danger of frost is past.Think about making a little greenhouse from clear polythene and some wood.Even decent garden stakes might do for a frame.
Dec 30, 5:00pm
Thanks so much olwen, great advice. I will give it another crack!
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