oxford how are your loaves lasting? Are they staying fresh for a couple of days or are you finding that they go hard and stale fairly rapidly?
Dec 27, 5:03pm
i'm not sure yet, they don't last long here! the last loaf i baked yesterday was a sight to behold, it was perfect [if a bit small] it's light and fluffy and just what i expected.
the trick i think is the dissolved sugar water mixed into the warm yeast water, mixing two liquids seems to just work.
Dec 28, 1:45am
to me your recipe sounds a bit light on the water side.My recipe requires 11/4 cups per 3 cups of flour.I have noticed that a dry mixture produces a solid loaf.Some of the biggest and best loaves I have made have been sticky to knead.I always use Champion high grade flour,Flours differ.This recipe is almost foolproof...in a bowl place..1 c flour,2 Tbsp milk powder,2 Tbsp Sugar,2Tbsp Oil,3 tsp Yeast{Tasti Breadmaker.} 11/4 C warm water.Mix,cover and leave to double in size,then add two cups of Flour and 11/2 tsp salt.Mix then knead for 5 to 8 mins.The Dough should be quite smooth.Put in greased bowl,cover and leave to double in size.Once this has happened,tip out onto bench and knock back,reshape and put into Tin,cover and leave to double in size,then into oven,210c for 30 mins. There are a million recipes for bread,but I find this one works well.
Dec 28, 5:43pm
funny you should mention this, i increased the water to 1 cup and the dough was nice and sticky also it ROSE to almost 3 times it's original size, which i found quite amusing! the resulting loaf was light and fluffy, boasting rights: i have them.
Dec 28, 5:45pm
the next thing to try is wholemeal/wholegrain flour
Dec 28, 9:12pm
That is all good. I was quite specific in my post prior that your dough needs to be sticky. A well hydrated dough works better, produces a light, fluffy loaf and the resulting bread stays fresher longer. My own breads stay fresh for up to 7 days but I only ever make sourdough which has many more health benefits over breads made with commercial yeast.
Dec 28, 9:51pm
i quite enjoy the trial and error, i cruise through this thread [and the bread thread] picking up bits of info.
what do you make of my sugary water 'theory'? i was quite pleased with that discovery.
Dec 28, 10:32pm
buy a bread maker..So easy, makes nice bread, wake up to the smell of bread. Gets the feet moving.
Dec 28, 10:36pm
when you start using wholegrain flour etc, they are heavier, you will find that you need to increase the yeast to get the same amount of rise. Rye bread will keep up to 5 days ..and is yummy
Dec 28, 10:39pm
Hmmm thats kind of true up to a point, however I have made bread using potato flakes, plain flour and mashed pumpkin...totally awesome. Ive also used plain flour and corn meal...also very good. The trick is in the kneading...if its not kneaded enough..it doesnt matter what flour you use, lol
Dec 29, 3:28am
my folks have one and that smell in the morning is something else isn't it.
Dec 29, 3:29am
heavier, ok got it. 5 days? whoah, mine is just staring to taste interesting today. it makes wicked toast though [sliced really thin and blasted in the toaster]
Dec 29, 3:33am
Hi.. using a mix of wholemeal and white flour works well, as a loaf with only wholemeal flour will be quite heavy.. I use 2 cups wholemeal to 4 cups white flour..
Dec 29, 3:35am
hello! plain flour or high grade? i'll be buying more tomorrow, i've never used so much flour in my life
Dec 29, 3:35pm
Bread can be hit and miss... the yeast, the humidity, the heat of the day, the oven... old flour... so much can alter things.
Basic Ciabatta that I use for 99% of my bread loaf bases...
you shouldn't be linking to your facebook page in here...
Dec 30, 5:02pm
as an experiment yesterday i left my loaf to prove for two hours instead of 1 hour, nothing exploded. it seems the least forgiving part of baking a loaf is the yeasty bit at the beginning, the rest is open season.
i can't believe i haven't been doing this for years!
Dec 31, 1:22am
Thought I'd post beaker's ciabatta recipe here for you to try. It is so simple, and an oft requested bread.
Ciabatta a la beaker:
"OK Ciabatti recipe I used is all in cups and 100% successful so far.
2 cups water 4 cups flour 2 teaspoons salt ¼tsp yeast A splash of olive oil
Stir up into a sticky dough and leave on the bench for 18hours to rise then split in half and form into two flatish loaves on a baking tray careful not to deflate too much Leave in the oven for half an hour to prove a bit more then turn on to 190c fan bake for 30 minutes.
Enjoy, I use 3 white to 1 wholemeal flour but traditionally its all white flour It takes 19 hours but only 15 minutes work."
Dec 31, 7:44pm
isn't it funny how home made bread with NO preservatives lasts longer than the store-bought stuff...
Dec 31, 11:05pm
Not in my house it doesn't LOL :)
Jan 1, 1:29pm
On brama-sole.co.nz/recipes is my bread, really light fluffy bread every time. I can be got through the site if anyone wants to know anything, but the instructions are pretty straight forward..
Jan 1, 3:45pm
Why not...? Have used the "public link" to my album... I'm not selling anything... I'm not promoting anything (apart from encouraging others to bake bread, but I'm pretty sure that TM are OK with that)... I'm readily found by a Google search from my TM name and there should be almost no visible photos of my family and friends... just my cooking ones... I'm the most boring person to stalk... so much so, that most give up after a few hours...
Jan 1, 3:59pm
The idea being that you could contact someone via your facebook page and so circumvent an auction without paying TM their dues.
At least that is the explanation given if you put any links on here which have a message function or forum attached and TM warns you not to do it.
Jan 1, 4:21pm
I have nothing to sell... maybe my soul if anyone is interested.I think that common sense in this instance (and all the other instances over the last year that I've posted my public FB foodie links for) has prevailed with the TM moderaters... they can see I'm merely sharing/showing off... not bypassing non-existant auctions.
Jan 1, 5:40pm
have you guys tried the warehouse flour?
it says "packed in onehunga" [which is in auckland] i'm keen to try it but not if it's chinese etc, i want NEW ZEALAND flour also it has expired on the shelf... probably because people don't know you can buy flour in the warehouse, if the flour is decent i'll get it there every time, they sell the cheap milk too
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