Ralta Turbo Wizz Food Processor parts

whizzkid1, Dec 17, 1:53pm
Hi There,
I have a Ralta Kitchen Turbo Wizz model no:KM5/1 .
My grater has broken and Sunbeam don't stock it anymore. Does anyone out there have one they don't want, or know where else I should look?
Thanks for your help

noonesgirl, Dec 17, 4:09pm
you checked on here?

whizzkid1, Dec 17, 11:04pm
Thank you so much! It is exactly what I want. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

lorraine, Mar 11, 10:25pm
I have a Ralta KM4. The drive pillar (screwed in place) for the adjustable knife slicer has shorn off. Anyone know if a replacement could be sourced anywhere?

guest, May 11, 11:39pm
I have a KM 4 also. I have been looking for a replacement metal chopping blade , as the plastic shank sheared off. (It lasted for 24 years, so I can't complain. )
Today I found a box of parts for blenders and processors at the ECO depot in Blenheim road, Chch. I picked up a slicer blade with screwed on shaft, but its not quite right .It sems a fraction too tall for my KM 4. Maybe it fits a more recent model? YD christchurch