Low carb / no carb people

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uli, Jan 28, 9:36pm
The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton is a good start for lay people. Still a hard read (take it in bits) but all the facts are there with sources (which for me is essential - I hate hearsay which I cannot trace).

anjie_kitty, Jan 28, 11:05pm
Please do not take this personally or feel like I am attacking you in any way -I just feel there is too much fat in your typical day of eating. I love low carb and it works best for me when I eat low carb but healthy, ie no butter creams or things like that.

kayceaz, Jan 28, 11:09pm
The essence of many low carb diets anjie_kitty is that you train your body to burn fat (yours and what you consume) as your energy sources. That's why when we low-carb we often have a higher portion of fat in the diet.

Can you post what you eat when you low carb

maxwell.inc, Jan 28, 11:13pm
How exactly is Butter, creams & fats unhealthy anjie?

From your POV?

bedazzledjewels, Jan 28, 11:36pm
Anjie_kitty - thanks for your comment.
My eating plan is high fat, medium protein, low carb.
I consider that to be the healthiest way for me to eat, as my fat consumption is mostly saturated fat with the odd splash of olive oil.

marielize1, Jan 28, 11:42pm
Interesting link Uli, I see he was born and worked in the US and is now living in Auckland. Born in the 40s and educated in the 60s! No wonder he can bridge biologyandbelief with such finesse! (Tongue in cheek)he most propably experimented with a few mind expanding substances to get it just right!

All the same, I will be reading it and most propably enjoy it as well. No doubt, there will be something worth learning there. I am a big believer in positive thinking. Can only be better than "the secret" .

anjie_kitty, Jan 28, 11:46pm
Thats all good and so pelased it works for you. Firstly these fatty butter, creamy etc items make me feel very sick - they just don't go down well.

My eating plan goes like this

2 Cap fulls of Apple Cidar Vinegar - a straight shot down the hatch)
generally 2 eggs with maggi seasoning drizzled on top
Sometimes I actually stirfry some veges (I love veges) and drizzle spices and balsamic over them

MY SNACKS ARE WATER - This fills me up so much and makes me realise that I actually dont need food, I prob just needed the water to rehydrate

Sometimes an omelette with re onion, capsicum a little bit of Edam Light Cheese - very low carb and some salad greens

SOme form of chicken or fish or red meat, sometimes I dont enjoy eating too much meat and would rather eat a load of stirfry veges instead. I generally use lots of spices to add flavour and natural stock that is very lowe carb.

I tend to steer clear of tomatoes as they are quite hight in carbs and I def don't touch potatoes starchy veges or bread rices pastas etc

This work for me really well and has worked in the past by loosing 20kgs, I just need to work on my mind set so gained some back and now just loosing my I gained.


anjie_kitty, Jan 28, 11:48pm
Sorry, other lunch options I have are salads with chicken or fish, or soup made from home

anjie_kitty, Jan 28, 11:49pm
and 3 L water daily.
that is it

bedazzledjewels, Jan 28, 11:52pm
Thanks Uli - requested from my Library.
I hope they don't start charging for books issued!

marielize1, Jan 28, 11:55pm
Just requested that his new book Spontaneous Evolution is bought for the the Christchurch library.

marielize1, Jan 29, 12:01am
You and I most propably send our request for this one in at the same time! Have not heard anything about charging from this side yet. Somehow I don't think so.

uli, Jan 29, 12:06am
That'll blow your socks off LOL :)

Maybe read the "Vegetarian Myth" just before the "Spontaneous Evolution", that'll make a nice duo.

bedazzledjewels, Jan 29, 12:06am
Ah, Auckland Public have that one as well, so knowing my luck, they'll probably both come at once, or the most recent one first.

Waiting for me to pick up are "Living Low Carb" by Jonny Bowden and "The Diet Cure" by Julia Ross.

bedazzledjewels, Jan 29, 12:07am
Uli - I see that Free the Animal blog was blogging about disquiet in the vegan camp. I suspect that Lierre's book will have quite an impact. Jimmy will be interviewing her in a couple of weeks.

accroul, Jan 29, 12:09am
Big 'Thumbs Up' to the Australian Women's Weekly (NZ Edition) on their Feb edition! A 2 page article titled 'Diary of a sugarholic' - basically about sugar addiction. 'The only way to banish sugar cravings is to go cold turkey' says Caroline Scott... ... ...
The article's not entirely LC - more Low GI but it's heading in the right direction. I like the last paragraph ' In just two weeks, I've realised that I can get my sugar addiction under control by eating more regularly, upping my protein, drinking more water and staying well clear of biscuits when I'm feeling tired. In all honesty, I feel so much better that I don't think I'll ever want to go back to my bad old ways. Now that is a sweet feeling... . . '

bedazzledjewels, Jan 29, 12:13am
That's good news Accroul.
It's quite interesting to read Swedish doctor Dalqvist's blog. Recently she went to speak to medical students about her experiences using low carb/high fat in her practice. Although it's a translation (quite challenging at times! ), the comments are interesting. There's a ground swell for change over there.
Long link for Uli. Scroll down for the lecture bit.

Link: http://translate. google.co.nz/translate? hl=en&sl=sv&
u=http://blogg. passagen. se/dahlqvistannika/&ei=pRXPSdTDB

marielize1, Jan 29, 12:20am
I finished the vegetarian myth Uli, and I am currently reading the mood cure by Julia Ross, Dazz

cloudberry, Jan 29, 12:22am
Anjie kitty, because fats make you feel sick is no reason to brand them as "unhealthy". Many low-carbers, myself included, do well on high-fat, moderate protein, low carb. What evidence do you have that fats are "unhealthy"?

uli, Jan 29, 12:22am
Haha - you probably need a "mood cure" after reading her scenarios of the coming doom LOL :)

marielize1, Jan 29, 12:30am
I've noticed a lot of new "low-carb" books coming into our library collection dance around the term low- carb, using GI or other terminologyin the title. It is almost if the publishers are ashamed of being honest when they come to choosing the titles. If you read it, the basic principles are nothing but low-carb.

uli, Jan 29, 12:38am
I rather think marielize1 that publishers want to increase the "clientele" that way - so they get the "low carbers" and also all the "healthy low GI" dieters and soon also the "diabetics" once they officially adopt low GI diets, which can't be far away now.

marielize1, Jan 29, 12:47am
True, it is all about sales, and too many people are scared of the term low-carb because of all the bad press. It would be so nice if we get to the point of just admitting "we were wrong".
There is definately a big growth in the books published on "low carb" so maybe the writing is on the wall.

anjie_kitty, Jan 29, 12:51am
Don't they block arteries!

accroul, Jan 29, 12:51am
To a vast majority of people LC is dangerous and L/GI is healthy so publishers call it L/GI and sell more. Lets face it, people aren't going to buy into a 'dangerous' diet are they? (ok, I had a flashback - some probably would but they are neither of healthy mind or body).