Does anyone have a recipie? I've search through the other truffle threads with no luck. They have ricebubbles and prunes or dates?Our New World is selling them but they are a bit pricey to buy lol.
Dec 6, 1:02am
i havethisoldrecipecallednightingales1cup sugar1egg6ozbutter1 1/2cupchoppeddates3cupsricebubblesvanillaesscoconutbeategg andsugarmeltbutterinpanaddsugarandeggcookfewminsadddatesthen addbubblesesscoolformintoballsthenrollincoconut
Dec 6, 1:05am
That sound like it could well be it... or close enough anyway! Do you remember making them? In the end I forgot to buy the dates anyway, so will have to wait 'till tomorrow to try. Thanks!
Dec 6, 6:21am
I make bumble bees with walnuts raisens dates coconut and condensed milk, mix to right consistency, then squeeze together and bake in slow oven.
Dec 6, 6:26am
This recipe for Bumblebees is from an old Aunt Daisy cookbook.
1 cup chopped dates 1/2 cup walnuts 1/2 cup preserved ginger 1/2 cup figs 1 cup sultanas or raisins 1 cup coconut 1 tin condensed milk
Mix all together and squeeze into oval shapes, put on greased tray and bake in a moderate oven till golden brown.
Note:I made these and baked them for about 40 mins at 150* C.The moderate oven, 180*C, is a bit high, I think, although you could cover them with foil for the last part of the cooking to prevent burning. They're better if they're still 'tender' and are an alternative to all the chocolate truffley things around at Christmas.
Dec 6, 6:34am
beenawhilelooking at theothersyoudontbaketheseasthecookingisdoneon thestovetop
Dec 6, 7:11am
This is my mum's recipe for Bumble Bees.A ½ of condensed milk, ¾ cup of saltanas, 2 chocolate sante bars and 2 big handfuls of cornflakes.Melt the chocolate into the condensed milk (you don't need to heat it to a high temperature).Cool the mixture then add saltanas and cornflakes.Leave to cool for a couple of hours or put the mixture into the fridge.The mixture will thicken and harden.Take spoonfuls, shape into balls and roll them in dessicated coconut.I don't think you can buy sante bars any longer but just about a third of a 250g block of dark chocolate should substitute.
Dec 6, 7:51am
I did find a squashed together fruit version in my googling, but they aren't they one's I'm thinking of - neither are the chocolate and cornflake ones.... however I'm certainly not adverse to trying all of them :-). harrislucinda, your recipe is the closest so far to what I'm thinking of.They are quite pale and almost caramelly to bite into.The fruit is just a hint of sweetness, rather than the bulk of it. Wonder if the ladies at new world would give me the recipie - they probably don't even make them lol.
Dec 6, 8:46am
My very old bumble bee recipe i make every xmas similar to #2. In a fairly large saucepan beat a small cup sugar and 1 egg together till thick and fluffy.Add 5 ozs melted butter anda teaspoon vanilla essence, pinch salt, mix well. Add 11/2 cups chopped dates, bring to the boiland boil only 3 minutes. ( stirring all the time as it will stick and burn easily.)Take off the heat and add 4 cups of rice bubbles mixing in well. When thick and cool roll into sausage like little rolls shape like a bumble bee toss in coconut place in fridge to set. These are almost caramelly to taste a little chewey and allthe kids love them....
Dec 6, 9:36am
Yes your's is very similar, but a tiny bit less butter (man the price of butter has nearly made me decide the christmas baking is no longer a cheap way of doing thoughtful presents!).. will try it tomorrow, as soon as you said a wee bit chewy I thought aha! a big clue to it being the one.
Wonder if I can think of another mystery from the past to solve lol.
Dec 6, 7:45pm
Dec 7, 1:42am
I don't think you can buy sante bars any longer but just about a third of a 250g block of dark chocolate should substitute.[/quote] Just bought some whittakers milk chocolate sante bars at Pak n Save
Dec 7, 5:04am
Well I've made fifie's version - and YUM!! Perfect.. what a sticky mess my kitchen is now though, and I nearly killed my wizz trying to make it chop the dates (it didn't work oops).Then nearly gave my self 3rd degree burns trying to roll them while still too hot ;-). I doubled the recipe - which I wouldn't recommend first time up, and it made about 50. It can get quite cool and still roll if anyone else wants to give them a go.Or I think just pressing it into a tin like normal ricebubble square would be a good idea. program0, think I might brave those cornflakes one next. Thanks again everyone!
Dec 7, 9:49am
This is out of my Mum's little hand written recipe book and these are so easy and delicious.
Date Balls
2 and a half oz melted butter quarter cup of sugar half a pound of dates
Put above ingre in a pot and stir over heat until dates are soft and well mixed. Add 2 cups of rice bubbles and shape into balls and roll in coconut.
I keep mine in the fridge, well they only stay around for a little while.I didn't like dates much until my Mum gave me some of these.
Also in my Mum's book
Love puts the music in laughter, The beauty in song, The warmth in a shoulder The gentle in strong
Dec 7, 2:37pm
Hi.. yes, Santa bars are still available - often sold in packs of three in supermarket sweet sections.. and in white, milk choccy and dark choccy.. I've just bought some to include in my Son's Christmas parcel to send to Brisbane for him.. Have a cup of hot milk, place a Sante bar in it, and leave it to melt, then stir through for very decadent hot chocolate..
Dec 7, 4:52pm
To save your food processor:Warm the dates slightly in the microwave - about 20 secs - before processing. (You should be able to easily squeeze them) You will be amazed. Makes them easier to chop by hand too.
Dec 7, 7:00pm
Love your Mum's quote Mike 547 - thanks for sharing it.
Dec 8, 5:59am
gardie! awesome tip, will try that next time thanks.My arm nearly fell off chopping them up once I'd realised the wizz wasn't going to cut the mustard so to speak.
I also found I didn't need to be quite so fine about my chopping as they fell apart a bit when the mix was cooking.
Dec 8, 6:28am
Try kitchen scissors :)
Dec 11, 11:50pm
with my Mum's recipe there is chopping they all just soften and mix nicely with the other ingredients then add the rice bubbles, its just soooo easy and delicious
Dec 12, 11:58pm
sorry should say no chopping the dates just soften when cooked
Nov 1, 10:12am
YUM!Glad I found this, thanks for posting your recipes.Mum used to make these for me when I was little, hoping to make them for my little monsters xx
Dec 7, 12:43am
Does anyone have a recipie! I've search through the other truffle threads with no luck. They have ricebubbles and prunes or dates!Our New World is selling them but they are a bit pricey to buy lol.
Dec 7, 1:05am
That sound like it could well be it. or close enough anyway! Do you remember making them! In the end I forgot to buy the dates anyway, so will have to wait 'till tomorrow to try. Thanks!
Dec 7, 6:26am
This recipe for Bumblebees is from an old Aunt Daisy cookbook.
1 cup chopped dates 1/2 cup walnuts 1/2 cup preserved ginger 1/2 cup figs 1 cup sultanas or raisins 1 cup coconut 1 tin condensed milk
Mix all together and squeeze into oval shapes, put on greased tray and bake in a moderate oven till golden brown.
Note:I made these and baked them for about 40 mins at 150* C.The moderate oven, 180*C, is a bit high, I think, although you could cover them with foil for the last part of the cooking to prevent burning. They're better if they're still 'tender' and are an alternative to all the chocolate truffley things around at Christmas.
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