Sparrow goes inside the blackbird, don't be silly its illegal to eat fantails. Anyway plenty of sparrows just throw bread on the lawn and shoot them with an air rifle. Either that or a cat with a ring around its throat so it can't swallow like fishing with cormorants :D
Nov 30, 10:35pm
Wow - never heard that one .
Dec 1, 2:19am
the one I've seen done starts with a sparrow!
Dec 1, 2:37am
I saw on telly along time ago someone did the bird in the bird and I think they used 4 birds. each stuffed and put inside each other, however it took (from memory) about 10+ hours to cook as there is so much meat to get heat through.
Wow. good luck with doing this, it'd be interesting how you'd carve it and what it would taste like.
Dec 1, 5:32am
LOL! Its a real shame Uli, you're always a year behind everyone else.
Dec 1, 7:34pm
Ok so been talking to my friend Rach on Skype and the following are her suggestions as to how to do the multiple bird begin with after you've decided what birds you wish to use ask the butcher to bone them out (unless you are a whizz and can do it yourself). Start with a goose as this provides good fat to 'baste'. Then the turkey, chicken, duck, pheasant, pigeon, partridge, quail. Inbetween each lots of thyme, salt and garlic. Because the birds are boned out rather than place the stuffing between each layer if you do want to include some then stuff the 'cavity pockets of each bird. Roll and string. A note : Rach prefers to leave the skin on each birdwhich doesn't go crispy but the fat helps to hold the whole lot together. You may prefer to take the skin off. Oven at 220 degrees for 20 mins.this is how one should cook all joints as the very high temp allows the middle to heat rather than actually a blast so the meat actually cooks much more evenly.Then about 180 degrees for approx 2 hours. Really important is to rest the 'creation' for at least an hour otherwise it won't carve well. Worth the effort.enjoy.
Dec 1, 8:59pm
bump for another Christmas treat!
Dec 2, 1:58am
I thought it was that guy (whose name I forget) who does all the weird and whacky things with food, usually involving more science than cooking!
Dec 2, 2:08am
Heston Blumenthal!I thing he did a very complex version in one episode.
Dec 2, 2:24am
Yep, that's who I was thinking of - no wonder I couldn't remember with a name like that!
Dec 3, 1:40pm
isnt that called a Turducken!
Dec 3, 2:01pm
Yes, when it's made with turkey, duck and chicken.
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