Pavlova with icing sugar instead of castor sugar?

princesspossum, Nov 14, 3:50am
has anyone tried this? I really want to make a pav similar to the cowells pavlovas (very light and airy with virtually no crust).

pickles7, Nov 14, 4:29am

Beat until thick and smooth ......approx 15 mins
6 egg whites,
3 Cups Icing Sugar,
2 teaspoons Cornflour,
2 teaspoons White Vinegar,
add 2 Tablespoons Boiling water............,
Pile onto a baking Paper lined oven tray
Cook for 5 minutes at 200 degrees C, then turn down and cook a further
1 1/2 hours at 100 degrees C.
(Leave in oven to cool)

princesspossum, Nov 14, 2:49pm
Thanks 245sam, I wondered where that thread went lol.

Pickles that looks spot on! Will have to give it a go :)

guest, Jan 11, 2:56am
I just hope whoeevr writes these keeps writing more!

guest, Jan 13, 7:48am
dela: yes the feeling's aweosme. i am feeling the urge to make another pav, just to see if yesterday's was a fluke. but what am i going to do with all those yolks?!wendy: yes, it's all in the way the whites are beaten! thnx again for the recipe n post. btw, have you ever been to this blog bc i've never known about your blog until now yet i see you have a large following. so glad i found your blog:) n you know, i've been telling my daughter to sketch me a header tt shows our family in the kitchen n i see your profile pic is just tt!