Can regular sugar be used instead of castor sugar?
Jul 19, 10:20pm
Want to make the vanilla cake recipe someone posted on here, but don't have castor sugar and wondered if just plain granulated sugar can be used instead!
Jul 19, 10:22pm
I would
Jul 19, 10:23pm
Sample quantity do ya reckon!
Jul 19, 10:24pm
From what I know, castor is just finer
Yes, same quantity
Jul 19, 10:25pm
Cool, thanks for that
Jul 19, 10:25pm
I would use granulated normally, but if I think a recipe really needs castor, I put granulated in the coffee grinder and give it a few whizzes!
Jul 19, 10:41pm
In most cases regular sugar would be fine, but it's grainier.
Jul 19, 10:42pm
I always use normal sugar and everything turns out fine!
Jul 19, 10:59pm
Grind it with your Whizz stick if you have one.
Jul 19, 11:23pm
If you can't grind it, stick it in a plastic bag and run a rolling pin over it. Works for me.
Jul 20, 12:04am
Same number of grams (rather than same number of cups/mls)
Also, you can measure the white sugar and put it in the food processor to make the granuals finer. (which is the difference between the two products - the castor sugar will dissolve more easily. In theory the cake will be more grainy, but most people won't notice the difference)
Jul 20, 3:21am
Thanks guys, I will go for the whacking with the rolling pin, mainly because that sounds like fun lol
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