Did I see on here that castor sugar can be used

white_elephant, Oct 14, 11:03pm
for everything and I needn't buy ordinary sugar at all?

michelle_09, Oct 14, 11:29pm
Yep yep (well, that's my opinion, don't know if there's a thread debating it or not haha)

gardie, Oct 15, 12:03am
Yes it can but it's an awful lot more expensive!

eastie3, Oct 15, 12:13am
Gardie is right,it's an expensive option,so why would you want to?

elliehen, Oct 15, 12:52am
It creams more easily with butter for baking because the crystals are finer.You can put ordinary sugar in the blender and give it a whirl to make caster sugar.

duckmoon, Oct 15, 2:56am
I agree

white_elephant, Oct 15, 3:03am
Thankyou, I didn't realise it was more expensive, I don't do alot of baking.

lilyfield, May 31, 9:04am
and did you know ordinary sugar can be used for everything and you do not need to buy castor sugar?