Thats what my lot think to, have been making these for years, and my big boys still request them when they home for the weekends.... Will have to try the passion fruit in the icing that sounds lovely.
May 2, 9:18pm
There is a product you can buy from Trents or Gilmours Food Warehouses- it makes the custard squares just like the Denheath ones, I have wanted to buy it, but you can only get it in 5kg bags apparently. I have also totally forgotten the name. hoping someone here may know it
May 2, 10:08pm
The denheath custard is not cooked. :)Got that from "some-one" in the know :) My sis in law makes hers with a pkt of instant pudding beaten into 300mls cream. Before baking one of the sheets of pastry score it with a sharp knife into squares (don't cut right through).Much easier to cut the finished product. Iced with passionfruit icing is nice as is the normal vanilla & topped with coconut. She also squiggles over some melted chocolate just to decorate.Very yummy :)
May 2, 11:08pm
Seasiders, I have also tried making it with "Cottees" vanilla instant pudding, it's the best, close to the real thing! Is Cottees an australian brand & where did you get it from? I haven't seen it around for a long time!
May 3, 12:09am
I just made this one using the cream crackers as the pastry & on top of the icing have put mango & passion fruit topping with a sprinkling of coconut!Can't wait to the see the family's faces at tea time!
May 3, 12:25am
By the looks of rosathemad's photos on the blog and reading some comments, it sounds like these would be a rival for Australia's equivalent of the custard square, known as "vanilla slice".When we lived there I bought these from Brumbies regularly (and other places).They were fantastic, and I miss them alot!
May 3, 12:31am
These were my little ones. the instant pud idea is fab!
I made 9 in the Tupperware square box.We have had them two nights running, the odd one left got 1/4'rd.They were absolutely delicious!Thanks for sharing your recipe.
May 3, 2:17am
A huge hit!I am the Queen of our kitchen!
May 3, 2:44am
They aren't quite set we are all waiting to try them lol
May 3, 4:36am
Oh my gosh. that's the name I as after in my earlier post "Kramess' YES!
May 3, 3:03pm
Hehe. a hit then eh!
May 3, 7:27pm
Thats what my lot think to, have been making these for years, and my big boys still request them when they home for the weekends. Will have to try the passion fruit in the icing that sounds lovely.
May 3, 11:08pm
Seasiders, I have also tried making it with "Cottees" vanilla instant pudding, it's the best, close to the real thing! Is Cottees an australian brand & where did you get it from! I haven't seen it around for a long time!
May 4, 2:16am
I made 9 in the Tupperware square box.We have had them two nights running, the odd one left got 1/4'rd.They were absolutely delicious!Thanks for sharing your recipe.
Jul 12, 5:35am
Are they talking about Napolean Creams?
Jul 12, 11:20pm
i love the dunheath custard squares and found this recipie as close enough for me and very easy,,yum yum yum! 2 pkt gregg vanilla instant puddind 300ml cream 300ml milk roll of edmonds flakey pastry
beat puddings/cream and milk for 6-8mins..refrigerate while prepping pastry..lay sheets of pastry onbaking paper ona tray and prick all over with a fork and bake 180 for10-13mins..take out and lay a clean teatowel over pastry and flatten down..tip custard onto a sheet of pastry and then top with another sheet(i just do this on the tray as the custard is quite thick and doesnt run)...then ice..sprinkle coconut over..i make it all the time and really is divine!!
Jul 13, 5:35am
Are they talking about Napolean Creams!
Jul 13, 5:41am
mmmmm custard squares *drool* I love them done in filo pastry sheets.
Jul 13, 11:20pm
i love the dunheath custard squares and found this recipie as close enough for me and very easy,,yum yum yum! 2 pkt gregg vanilla instant puddind 300ml cream 300ml milk roll of edmonds flakey pastry
beat puddings/cream and milk for 6-8mins.refrigerate while prepping pastry.lay sheets of pastry onbaking paper ona tray and prick all over with a fork and bake 180 for10-13mins.take out and lay a clean teatowel over pastry and flatten down.tip custard onto a sheet of pastry and then top with another sheet(i just do this on the tray as the custard is quite thick and doesnt run).then ice.sprinkle coconut over.i make it all the time and really is divine!
Jul 14, 5:06am
I make mine with sour cream and eggs. Hmmmmm devine. I have posted it on here if you are keen to look it up. You will want to keep making them.
Jul 20, 5:01am
Anyone found the Cottees Vanilla instant pudding mix!
Jul 20, 8:27am
Yup in Auz. Maybe I should bring some over when I come home for a visit in October.
Oct 29, 2:46am
Seasiders, I made that recipe the other day - someone commented on my blog directing me here. Pam.delilah, your recipe is next on my list! (might be a few weeks before I fully come down from the sugar high though)
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