Here I am thinking about custard at 3am but anyway.....
When I make custard it always seems to go watery - is that just the way it is? I remember my mother's custard being a little lumpy sometimes but I'm sure it never went watery. It cooks and thickens initially but by the time I get half way through eating it, it gets thinner and thinner.
Jun 15, 8:33pm
What? are you making instant custard or egg custard (Sauce Anglaise)?Actually proper custard is made by bring milk almost to the boil with some vanilla, then in another container whisking many eggs (up to 6) with sugar to taste and pouring the milk over, then double boilering it till it thickens (sometimes a T or two of cornflour won't go astray).
If you are talking of making instant custard, a la Edmonds etc, try using more custard powder...and make it really thick and gloppy.At least double what it says on the packet.
Jun 16, 7:39am
edmonds custard powder should have recipe on teh outside of the box. cheers
Jun 16, 10:31am
If you want nice thick creamy smooth custard (a la Edmonds) then mix the custard powder with a little of the milk, add some sugar, (I usually make much more than necessary as I always eat several spoons full at this stage - naughty I know!) then bring the rest of the milk almost to the boil, then pour some (about half) of the hot milk over the custard powder milk mixture and stir, then pour the custard mix into the remainder of the hot milk and return to the heat and stir until thickened.Guaranteed no lumps if you do it that way.
Jun 16, 2:12pm
Hi.. it's very easy to make in a microwave..
Place all ingredients - custard powder, sugar and milk - in a microwave proof bowl. Whisk well to blend everything. Zap on High for 2 minutes, whisk, then zap for another 2 minutes.. whisk.. repeat till the custard is getting very hot.. Then zap at 1 minute intervals until it's thick..
Beautifully smooth custard...with a very easy to clean bowl..
Jun 16, 7:58pm
It is not normal for it to go watery/thinner as it cools. It is normal for it to thicken, in fact, upon cooling.I suggest you may have a dud box of custard powder. I use blue top milk - I don't know if using skim milk could cause that to happen, but I doubt it. The only other reason I can think of is if you are pouring it over fruit in syrup, maybe the fruit syrup is thinning it down.
Is their any chance you can ring mum/auntie/friend and ask them to show you how they do theirs?
Jun 16, 8:03pm
The reason it goes watery is you are probably eating it out of the one bowl and your saliva will be breaking down the starch. Enzymes in saliva will break down cornflour or other starches
Jun 17, 8:57am
ewwww, lol
I make it in the microwave, heaps easier. I love adding a drained can of peaches chopped up and putting it in the fridge to go cold, mmmmmm
Oct 24, 5:55pm
I put the milk, sugar if using and custard powder into the pot, stir constantly over a medium heat until it thickens. gave up a long time ago heating the milk the adding custard mix, the above way is quicker and easier and doesn't require extra dishes/bowls. occasionally I'll add an egg which I do before I heat the milk so it is all whisked together and slowly heated ..... doesn't split that way either. Other option is to do it in microwave.
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