From Dr Rodney Fords website: Indiscriminate, repeated gluten indiscretions may eventually cause serious physical and neurological damage/psychiatric symptoms and study indicates higher mortality rates. "Indiscriminate cheating patterns" on the gluten free diet, i. e. , consistant occasional consumption of gluten on an otherwise gluten free diet, (pizza, birthday cake, croutons), may immediately or eventually trigger stronger physical or neurological/depression/psychi- atricreactions than were experienced before the patient began the gluten free diet. Some researchers and professionals believe the brain and nervous system are particularly susceptible to gluten damage and that nerves may be silenced by this damage.
Sep 20, 11:31pm
i am hoping to go to the gluten free expo and go to the seminars without the kids. I really want to know whether miss 2 will get to teh stage of having to carry an epi pen - and if oterh things will act as a trigger - as it did in my MIL before she died.
Sep 21, 1:45pm
I hope you manage to get to those seminars and find out what you need to know, hopefully they will have more up-to-date information for you. My daughter has to carry medication on her at all times. The longer Ive stayed off gluten etc the better I have become so lets hope your daughter has the same improvement :)
Sep 21, 3:51pm
great thread guys! ! my dps children are coming down for school holidays and they are on a gf diet thank you for all the information
Sep 22, 2:18am
You're welcome, glad to help bumping for anyone else who may be interested :)
Sep 22, 5:14am
Have any of the food intolerant posters looked into the foods that they 'are' eating causing all these intolerances. Just because your body is not reacting to them doesn't mean that they not causing the problems.
Sep 30, 1:31am
bumping for Wed night :)
Sep 30, 2:45pm
The thread: Food lies told by doctors, dieticians and others makes for very good reading :)
Sep 30, 10:43pm
I've just been reading that. Miss 2 is ill again. We have been through a good month - now I can't find what I have given her. the only culprit I can think of is Cinderella raisins - which she got a box of when we were out. Are they oiled?
Oct 4, 3:10pm
Im sorry I cant help you with that question Does the packet have a free phone number you could ring? Some dried fruit is dusted with flour which can contain gluten. Isnt it so annoying just when you have it all sorted this happens. I hope you find out what it was that upset your daughter :)
Oct 8, 1:17am
Bumping in the hope that gaspodetwd's question may be answered :)
Oct 8, 12:41pm
Bumping again for gaspodetwd :)
Oct 8, 1:20pm
Culprit? Watermelon. We gave her it again - only 1 slice - but both her and my Dh were ill. It looks nasty whenit comes out the other end - and my Dh says it gives the same reaction as gluten for him. It is miss 2's birthday tomorrow. Fingers crossed all food is okay and doesn't make her ill. I am making the cake - a classic sponge with fresh cream and strawberries. She can have limited dairy - and last time I made it she LOVED it.
Oct 8, 6:33pm
I've just got my food intolerance test results back, I had the ALCAT test. What an eye opener. Reason I had it done was a combination of body inflammation, auto immune probs, thyroid etc.
The foods I've regularly been eating are on my reactive list as are olives and almonds. Been using olive oil and chomping away at almonds.
Currently re looking at what I can eat etc (no... milk, wheat, egg yolk, teas tomato, lamb, sugars, lettuce, potato)thank goodness for coconut oil and cocoa :)Im reluctant to switch to soy products as Im in two minds as to how beneficial they are
Oct 8, 6:34pm
Also on my food intolerance reactive food is watermelon, strawberries and apricots... what is in these foods that causes inflammation?
Oct 8, 9:14pm
watermelon is nasty. Strawberries seem fine. Apricots and peaches and nectarines - ditto. It doesn't make a lot of sense.
Oct 9, 5:12pm
Is it the foods (fresh ones) or is it our bodies, the damage done by all the preservatives etc in packaged foods over the years. I never used to be able to eat strawberries, just one gave me hives all over my legs, but Im fine with them now. Im fine with watermelon, but mangoes split the edges of my mouth! Some of it we may never understand, but at least we have found out what we can and cant eat, so thats something :)
Oct 9, 9:53pm
red 45. If you are 'reactive' to almonds then you probably will be with other nuts. The reason for that (sorry I can't help with watermelon) is because nuts are a seed and they are programmed to not sprout until the conditions are right. So each nut contains a little package of enzyme inhibitors. Enzymes are the little workhorses that breakdown the proteins and other components of the food and releases all the goodness. So when you eat a nut with the enzyme inhibitors working hard to stop the nut from sprouting you are getting toxins but not much goodness because your digestive system simply cannot break it down for easy assimilation. Your nut will have the same effect on the absorption villi in you intestine as gluten.
Oct 9, 9:57pm
Nuts actually need to be sprouted to neurtralise the enzyme inhibitors before you eat them. To do this you should soak your nuts for a day in filtered water to which 1 tspn of sea salt has been added. This will neutralise the inhibitors and start your nut sprouting. Put your nut (or actually many nuts because you only want to do this once or twice every 6 months, into a dehydrator and dehydrate below at medium for 24hrs or until dry. Store in the fridge and eat to your heart's content.
Oct 9, 9:59pm
Actually there is a whole range of similar information on a huge range of food in the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon and anyone with reactive illness should be investing in one of these books and reading it carefully.
Oct 10, 9:50pm
Bumping for Sunday :)
Oct 10, 10:36pm
Hi all I'm not sure if you've checked out this angle at all but after a decade or so of a laymans interest in nutrition in order to come up with the best outcome for my own children & myself, I discovered the "Eat Right 4 Your Type" books by the naturopathic surgeons Dr. s' James & Peter D'Adamo - The research behind these works determines what foods suit the individual based on your blood type. The key is to not only discover your regular blood type but to ask also for your VERY IMPORTANT "LEWIS" blood typing to be done as it is this lower level typing which fine tunes your food groupings to you as an individual & which is of paramount importance to those of you with guten and other intolerances. The Lewis blood typing shows a couple ofimportant things such as whether you are a "Secreter- blood typing can be determined from other body fluids; or a Non secreter - blood typing possible only directly from blood. This is relevant as this secreter status is what you use to refine your diet. The other important aspect of this typing is that it indicates your propensity towards disease according to your typing so gives you the heads up on how to alter your life style to avoid or manage those potential situatuions. Suffice to say I have looked into it and made some beneficial changes in my life style and would highly recommend it to others. I hope this is of some value as it is not just another diet but an extremely well researched(1959 to current) regime for health & wellness. Take care :)
Oct 12, 2:09am
I looked into doing that eating by blood type diet and there were a lot of things that were suggested I should eat, which I cant due to intolerances or allergies, so I couldnt do it. :)
Oct 13, 2:28pm
Thats true - I know of people who had no obvious symptoms, and it was only because their doctor thought they'd do tests just in case, that they found out they were a Coeliac!
Oct 14, 2:38pm
bumping for tweenie3 :)
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