Hi > have a recipe that states that I need potato flour . Does anyone know where I could get some ? or what I could replace this with? It is forcake . Thank you for oyur help.
Oct 9, 2:01am
we get ours from binn inn, its just a very very fine GF flour. How much does the recipe call for?
Oct 9, 2:02am
What does GF mean, please? have never come accross that term before ? the recipe only calls for 1 cup.
Oct 9, 2:13am
GF is glutten free. Is it the main flour in the cake? If so you may be better off grabbing a cup of it from binn inn, as swapping it out is likely to effect the final texture of your cake.
Oct 9, 2:14am
GF means Gluten free.How much baking powder is in it? Sometimes going from one type of flour to another you need to change the rising agent ratio.
Oct 9, 2:55am
perfectly fine to replace with cornflour
Oct 9, 4:41am
There is a bulk bin store in Browns Bay flea market site(Council office side). Closed on Sunday. Moshems behind Valentines, Wairau Road also has an excellent selection of flour and spices. But I am not absolutely sure they have potato flour.
There is another Indian spice shop in Sunnynook (not the Countdown shopping) similar set up like Moshems. Behind Burger King.
Oct 10, 3:22am
Just off the Topic a little but with "Potato Flour" and other use.
It is great to use on Cats and other fluffy pets, instead of using Talc or similar like products, use potato flour, far superior - soaks up moisture, and does not stick to fur - it brushes out lovely.
Also great for cats that when have a runny mishap or whatever, simply apply heaps of potato flour and really does the best job.
Likewise on any soiled cloths, towels etc by the animals or even Babes, a generous sprinkling and patting of potato flour is best.
Oct 10, 3:57am
I'm intrigue valentino. Why would anyone want to put talc, let alone potato flour, onto a cat?!!
In all my years of being a cat owner I have never felt the need to do anything like that, ever. Did my cats miss out on something?
Oct 10, 5:40am
In the Showing Cats world, a lot of people use talc as a form of dry bathing or to use on moist parts of the animal. Too much can irritate their skin but with Potato Flour is no such irritation, is far better alround. Also for inside house only pets is ideal especially at this time of year when (longhair cats mainly) fur is starting to being shed of, great if one can add the flour prior to a good brushing.
Also some cats totally dislike any type of an electric dryer after having a bath, hence the potato flour assists big time in drying fur quicker and does not stick to the fur whilst soaking up excess moisture.
Try it, one will be quite surprised.
Editing to add this wee note, our Black Persian is the top Persian this year in NZ, in the top 3 overall for all types of longhair cats and is still maturing and we use this flour on him quite often.
Oct 10, 9:03am
Get it at Bin Inn.I use it With other flour etc in bread .
Oct 11, 6:06am
Yes, Moshims do have it, I got some when I was last there.
Jan 11, 6:19am
This could not polibssy have been more helpful!
Jan 13, 12:53pm
omething else During 1980 to 1990, the stateattained doeubldigit growth rate in four years while itexperienced double digit growth rate in six years in subsequent decade. Gujarat experienced fasterpace of growth during 1980s when MadhavsinhSolanki and then Amarsinh Choudhary, both ofCongress, led the state government. In this period,the state had highest growth rate for its SDP. Thestate experienced the highest annual economic growth rate of 19.5 per cent during the six yearperiod of 1988-94. Since then this much of highrate is never attained. This period includes thereign of later years of Amarsinh Choudhary andinitial years of Chimanbhai Patel. As against this, thehighest rate of growth during the Narendra Modi era was only 14.77 per cent in 2003-04. Duringfive decades of its existence, the state of Gujarathad experienced 20 per cent or moregrowth rate only during six years. It had crossedmarvelous 40 per cent in 1988-89 and it was morethan 30 per cent in 1992-93 when Amarsinh Choudhary and Chimanbhai Patel ruled the staterespectively. However, there is not a single yearwhen the growth rate is more than twenty percent since 1993-94. In fact, it reached up to 19.33%in 1996-97. Barring it, the the SDP growth rate hasnever been more than 15 per cent during 1992-93 to 2008-09. In other words, the Narendra Modi erahas never reached the high growth rate of SDP thatwas achieved earlier.
Jan 14, 7:48pm
That's a smart answer to a tricky queotisn
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