Does it need a cover or just let it roast without it.I got it on 180 and leave it for about 90 mins but not sure if it should be covered or not.
Sep 2, 3:29am
Turn down to 150 & boost up to 180 last 30 mins. Doesn't need covering.
Sep 2, 5:24am
Depends whether you like cleaning the oven or not - I cover because I hate cleaning the oven!
Sep 2, 7:27am
I swear we were parted at birth nfh1!! Yup, way back in the dark ages when we could afford a blimmin pork roast, I would do it in a bag and then the last 1/2 hour roast it to get the crackle and the nice moist inner. I find cooking in the oven the whole time can dry it out a little.
Sep 2, 8:17am
LOL stormbaby - I think you could be right.As an only child I always wanted a twin!
Sep 2, 11:32am
Pork roast is now the cheapest roast was on special at our local P n S for $5 Kg last week I bought 2 a small one and a massive 5Kg one for Christmas to do in the Kettle BBQ eye's open the specials are out there :)
Sep 2, 9:23pm
Unfortunately I won't buy Pak n Save meat anymore due to a couple of bad experiences.
Sep 2, 11:07pm
yes definately cover ork roasts to kepp moist, i ALWAYS do mine in oven bags then take out to crisp the crackling....
Sep 2, 11:08pm
oddly enough our butcher has the same pork supplier as pak'n'slapper, i got a enormous one a few weeks ago for $20, we got numerous meals and sandwichs out of it.
Sep 2, 11:11pm
Are you thinking about their ability to hide half a kg of undesirable fat or skin or chunky bone in a 900 gm lean cut meat pack??? Makes Houdini's disappearing act very amateurish.
Everyone does this to eke out a living. I have also been stumpedby Mad Butcher and Countdown's ability to present their best packaging displays. Oscar award acts!!Where else can we find an honest supermarket?
Feb 22, 11:02am
Albany P n S where I shop has an excellent meat dept and I have no complaints on thier quality. They definately have the best large outlet meat around here for quality price and specials.Guess they all vary depending on ownership.
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