Elliehen, I remember you saying you found it frustrating and irritating if people with low-carb knowledge "shouts" on other people's threads. Please don't do the same thing. Gary Taubes as a highly regarded scientist studied more research than any of us can try and research in one lifetime, while living a life as well.
Jul 22, 12:22am
Sorry to deflate your bubble , but Gary Tuabes is NOT a scientist. . Taubes has no formal training in nutrition or medicine,
Gary Taubes (born April 30, 1956) is an American science writer. Theres a big difference between being a writer and being a scientist !
Jul 22, 12:30am
My mistake, I was under the understanding applied physics and aerospace engineering are scientific, maybe you just need to pass English to be granted a physics or engineering degree.
Jul 22, 12:32am
The big difference is that physics, like engineering works with facts and only facts. Medicine and Nutrition are both far more fuzzy sciences.
Jul 22, 12:39am
I might read a book by Gary Taubes on applied physics and aerospace engineering, if I was interested in those subjects and if he was at the top in his specialist field.
Jul 22, 12:47am
For a nanosecond I thought you'd said 'buzzy sciences'!
I don't think anyone working in the field of Medical research would appreciate your conclusion.
Jul 22, 12:56am
Once again I'm mistaken, I thought this was a thread for low carbers.
Jul 22, 1:02am
marielize, if you scroll through the over 8000 posts in the [high fat]low carb/no carb people thread, you won't find a single one from me. It is a support thread for like-minded people.
However, I do have my own low carb, low GI carb, LOW FAT shopping list, which is probably very similar to many shopping lists. I don't understand why some extremist low carbers appear to believe they are the only people in New Zealand who are avoiding over-processed foods, and who are cooking for their families from fresh and 'from scratch'.
I can see from the messageboards that many people are quietly cooking and eating this way. They're just not jumping up and downabout it.
Jul 22, 1:20am
Zahnee, I can only speak from my own experience, FWIW. I was diagnosed with high cholesterol some 15 years ago. I immediately put myself on a low fat diet and cut out eggs, dairy, red meat etc. The net result was to make myself anaemic but didn't do a thing to lower my cholesterol! My doctor put me on statins which I took faithfully for years. Then I started doing my own research and read a few books, websites etc and a year and a half ago I started eating low carb, mod fat and protein. Long story short: now i am 20 kilos lighter, normal cholesterol, and no more statins. I repeat - just my experience. Everyone has to find their own way.
Nov 19, 9:19am
PS: I also found myself a more understanding less hidebound doctor!
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