Hardly! I've started low carb over the past few weeks and love it! I love cream cheese, cheese, butter, salmon, cream, bacon etc and no longer feel guilty about eating them! I also eat less and never feel hungry. Only thing i miss is subway.
Jul 20, 4:24am
not at all, I couldnt care less what people eat, im just paraphrasing buzzy's comments in other threads re diets. And you say miserable and ignorant - YES, thats true... . Think about it.
Jul 20, 4:25am
Yes, subway is great, such a easy healthy fast food option. Dont you miss fresh bread?
Jul 20, 4:46am
What an odd thing to say. What is miserable about succulent steaks, salmon, any sort of fish, chicken, duck, fruit, veges, lavishly dripping with butter and cream, full fat yogurt, wine, eggs, every sort of cheese under the sun, olive oil, nuts, coconut cream, curries ... I could go on and on! I've never eaten (or felt) better!
Jul 20, 4:47am
nothing! its my dream diet
Jul 20, 4:39pm
Tee hee, sometimes I miss fresh bread. So I buy a loaf of sour dough bread from the local farmers market and have a piece. But I don't eat several slices of the soy flour and additive loaded bread from the supermarket like I used to on a daily basis. I can honestly say I don't miss much in terms of things I choose not to eat in a low carb lifestyle; nor do I miss the health issues and unhappiness that came with carrying the 25kg of weight that I've lost.
Jul 20, 5:26pm
Subway do a salad bowl using whatever meat or fish you choose- it comes without any bread and is delicious.
Jul 20, 5:40pm
I hate subway, the shops all smell gross, and I can't eat bread anyway due to gluten intolerence. As someone else said, this is my dream way of eating, I eat all my fav foods without feeling guilty, I lose weight, I don't feel like I'm on a diet and I feel fantastic. I don't see a problem with that at all.
Jul 20, 5:50pm
Welcome back to the light side ;)
Jul 21, 3:00am
I miss the fresh bread, but there are alternatives that dont bother me. I'm not dieting (im size 10, and about 1cm under 6 foot so dont feel i need to), i just want to eat whole, natural foods. I feed my dogs and cats a raw, preservative free, grain free, low carb, high protein diet, and decided i should stop being a hypocrite and try and do the same. I preach the benefits of a natural diet for a dog and cat, i probably should do the same for me.
Jul 21, 3:01am
Great insight :) Drop into the low carb thread if you need any help or have questions on how humans do it LOL :)
Jul 21, 3:10am
uli i have been reading, i want to read the whole thread before i post. I finished the low carb recipe thread, and only at page 50 of general low carb thread. its very interesting :)
Jul 21, 3:25am
Actually, eating low carb has left my tummy feeling satisfied for the first time in years! Before I could totally eat a whole (big) bag of chips, keep munching on pasta long after dinner was over... ... I would be stuffed but just keep eating and eating, like there was no stopper on my appetite. Now with low carb, I am much more in tune with my REAL hunger, and its easy to stop when I am truly full.
Once you give up the bread, cookies, chips etc its amazing how your sweet tooth turns around and you don't consider those items food anymore. I guess its just hard to explain to non low carbers because its just one of those things you have to experience to believe :)
To each their own - hubby can live on bread and stay rail thin and healthy, good for him! I can't, but love my stew and marrow bones which keep me thin and healthy! Good for me! Plus, low carb includes all the food I'd love to eat any ways, so doesn't feel depriving at all. Bacon, good pastured meat, coconut milk, cream, seafood, eggs, all sorts of veggies, some nuts/seeds, herring, sardines, mustard, mayonnaise, berries, beautiful cheeses, yummy broths, butter, coconut oil, ghee, dripping... . huge roasts, ribs... . theres no room left in your tummy for the old food, haha
Jul 21, 3:37am
Great post visionspring :) Looks like you found out how to live healthy AND happy :)
Jul 21, 4:09am
visionspring, you have no idea how uplifting it is to read your words upholding everyone's right to choose their own road to good health (without coming under attack for that personal choice).
Good for you!
Jul 21, 6:35am
so can anyone tell me in a typical day what they have. like a 3 day menu or something as i dont have a lot of imagination in that area and it would take the pain out of experimenting.
Jul 21, 4:36pm
pixieface, the NZ low carb cooking website has lots of sample menus, plus recipes and general information and support. You will find it bya google search for Low Carb Cooking in Style (we are not allowed to give you a link here).
Jul 21, 5:00pm
As a person with high cholesterol does this mean I should stay away from a no/low carb diet as I can't really eat cream, butter, cheese, red meat etc.
Jul 21, 5:08pm
The association between cholesterol, dietary fat and heart disease has been discredited now for some years. I suggest you do some reading of up to date research and that will set your mind at rest.
Low carb eating is not associated with heart disease.
Jul 21, 5:55pm
Thanks for that, as have found it all very confusing so far so will delve it to it more.
Jul 21, 6:12pm
Here is a brief summary of how low carb eating works (quoted from Gary Taubes):
"Insulin is the primary regulator of fat storage. When insulin levels are elevated, fat accumulates in our body tissue; when they fall, fat is released and we use it for fuel.
By stimulating insulin secretion, carbohydrates make us fat; by driving us to accumulate fat, they increase hunger and decrease the energy we expend in metabolism and physical activity.
In short, obesity is caused not by overeating or sedentary behavior, but by hormonal malfunctioning triggered by the consumption of particular types of carbohydrate containing foods. "
There is a lot more information and links on the NZ low carb website.
And to add my voice zahnee: Too many people (doctors and medical professionals included) believe quite incorrectly that eating fat leads to high cholesterol. It absolutely doesn't. Eating too many carbohydrates and not enough fat and proten leads to high cholesterol, and not only that, it leads to a too high a ratio of LDL cholesterol and not enough HDL.
If you want to get healthy, you need to first read a book that will tell you everything you need to know and open your eyes to the truth. Read a book, before you bother with any threads because these are support threads only and cannot impart all the information that you should know, in a literate and organised manner.
Follow this link and it will help to take you to the NZ Low Carb cooking site where you will find a list of suggested reading material.
(I notice the whole address isn't highlighted so you'll have to copy and paste in the bits on the second line onto the end of the address in your address bar)
Jul 21, 11:58pm
zahnee, just be aware that the Gary Taubes quoted is a journalist, a science writer, not an academic scientist doing specialist research in the field.
This means that you are getting at best second-hand reporting, and by the time it gets to this messageboard who knows how many interpretations have been made.
The only pure research on anything medical is done through reading the original research papers yourself, which you can often find online. If you feel a bit daunted by the terminology and language of an academic paper, you can take it along to your health professional to discuss.
Some may choose to seek support on a forum like this for a properly informed choice they have already made, but to take medical advice here from anonymous posters is reckless.
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