I have a Brevile Baker's oven BB280 that I bought 16 months ago. At first when we made a 1 kilo loaf of white bread it hit the top and I had to cut it off. Then we made 750g loaf and it seemed better and got a nice browned top. Slowly it has gotten lighter and lighter on top and is very heavy almost doughy. I use high quality flour and surebake yeast as recommended. Nothing else has changed that I can figure out. Has anyone else had problems with theirs or know what I can do to fix it? I am wondering if I should take it back and complain.
Feb 18, 9:52pm
have you changed the basic settings at all. try this recipe. i have 3 breadmakers and they all make the same texture of loaf. 300ml warm water -from tap 2 teasp sugar 1. 1/2 teasp salt 2 tblspn oil 3 cups flour 2 tblsnp milk powder or fresh milk 3 teaspn yeast, I use the red lid one. put all in the bucket in that order and press your start button. check your colour setting as well. good luck.
Feb 18, 10:26pm
thank you, my recipe is almost the same (from the makers book) except they call for 2 tsp yeast. I will try it with three and see what happens.
Feb 19, 4:01am
Ive had a problem with my bread not rising properly, Ive came to the conclusion that it was the edmonds surebake yeast. I changed to Tasti breadmakers yeast and have not had a problem since.
Feb 19, 4:55am
The yeast is meant to be stored in the fridge, plus have you checked the expiry date? All else fails... Do as I do, use the breadmaker(on dough cycle only) for the mixing and first rising only, taking it out and shaping and doing the final proving yourself. This way takes longer, yes... . but you get TWO light loaves. not one heavy loaf.
Feb 19, 9:39am
korbo Thank you I tried your recipe except used 2 Tablespoons sugar. It WORKED! The loaf is light but no holes except the from the mixer blade and the top is light tan. Can't wait to try it on wholewheat next.
Feb 20, 12:55am
wow, i have only used the 2 teaspoons, was the bread sweet? ? did you use milk powder or fresh. i am very intriqued that 2 tablspn worked... . . when i make wholemeal, i only use 1 cup wholemeal and 2 of white. a nice loaf, if you reverse and use 2cups wholemeal it can turn out a smaller loaf and slightly heavier. let us know please, this is how we all learn, by others reporting back. thanks.
Feb 21, 10:14am
Hi korbo, may I say thanks to you I have just made the family the 'niciest bread' ever from this here bread maker of mine! I don't know what I was doing wrong but after reading this thread and following your recipe I decided to drag 'the machine' out once again and give it another whirl. Thank you :)
Feb 21, 7:16pm
korbo what loaf size do you set your machine for - thanks heaps in advance... . .
Feb 21, 7:22pm
in bed with laptop at present, but i am sure it is the 1 kg loaf. i sometimes add chopped onion, curry powder, lemon pepper at the beep, for a tasty loaf, and have even added grated cooked beetroot, and lemon pepper, you get a nice speckly pinkish loaf. also a handful of mixed fruit and mixed spice. do nothing else different to the recipe and just *chuck* the other goodies in when the beep **beeps**. good luck and keep us informed as to how things turn out... . toeblisster, glad i could help. i have 3 breadmakers and wouldnt be with out them. if caught short for a gift, and i have time, i often make a loaf of bread, it is always accepted gladly... . .
Feb 21, 7:55pm
Good morning Korbo... . . in bed with laptop :)My husbands sez since going to part-time hours all I do is spend time on 'that computer' well he doesn't seem to mind all the lovely meals I have been serving up thanks to you lovely people on trade me! Korbo can I 'chuck' cheese into breadmaker along with onion. Hubby would just love that :)
Feb 22, 4:37am
I too have had a problem with the Surebake yeast, I made two loaves the other day and both were about 4 1/2 inches in height, today I made another using yeast from a bulk food store and it ismuch bigger! I have just sent an e-mail to Goodman Fielder and also sent them a photo I took of both loaves side by side, hoping they may be able to sort out the problems a few of us are having. I knowCountdown and Pak N Save in this area both sell out of date yeast too.
Feb 22, 6:51am
spongeypud... . you have to follow korbo's recipe I used (Tasti yeast) and my bread has been faultless.
Feb 22, 8:47am
Our Countdown didn't have Tasti yeast, (my friend also had to change from Surebake to Tasti), we are going to see if PNS has some tomorrow. I've never used sugar anyway as the yeast has sugar in it and they've always been a good size. Let's see what GF say ifI get a reply to my e-mail. ;)
Feb 23, 7:20am
yes, just add say 1 cup grated cheese at the beep, and maybe an onion and some lemon peper. just got back from a couple of days away. back here tomorrow. all bread recipes have to have sugar. sugar turns to liquid when cooking.
Feb 23, 10:05pm
Never put sugar in mine in the 18 (? ) years I've had my machine and have never had a problem with them rising until now. Managed to get a jar of Tasti yeast will see how that goes, still had no reply from GF though about their yeast.
Feb 24, 1:55am
doesn't the sugar activate the yeast?
Feb 24, 7:10am
Yes it does but there is sugar in yeast, as I said I've never put sugar in but the bread has always risen, it has to be a fault of the Surebake yeast seeing as I made the exact same loaf (no sugar) with a different yeast and it was fine.
Feb 24, 7:13am
Fresh yeast (kept in fridge) and using hot tap water instead of cold water solved my rising problems.
Sep 6, 9:46am
Had a reply... .
Thank you for your recent email regarding our product.
Our apologies for the inconvenience. To help us with our investigation, can you please advise us of any batch details on the product, including the barcode number. Also if it is possible to get a sample of the yeast.
In addition, feedback from consumers such as you helps us to maintain our high standards and to continue to satisfy our consumer’s needs.
Please be assured I have forwarded your comments through to the appropriate personnel.
If I can be of any further assistance, please feel free to contact me on our free phone number below between 8. 30am-5. 00pm, Monday - Friday.
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