I know this has nothing to do with food but thought someone out there may have struck this problem before, or have an idea how we could overcome it.
My husband recently bought a pair of shoes from Herdman's. Nice shoes, fit well and very comfortable to wear but they have a very strong and unpleasant smell with them. We can't have them in the walk-in wardrobe over night as the smell is too overwhelming so they get banished to the garage!! Anyone got any bright ideas how we might get rid of the unpleasant smell. Tried Baking Soda once but seemed to make no difference.
Mar 31, 3:32am
ring wet and forget, they advertise one of their products that gets smelly sports shoes smelling good again
Mar 31, 3:38am
Are they smelly from being worn or were they smelly when you got them? What are they made of?
Mar 31, 3:45am
For smelly shoes, put fresh kitty litter into the toe half of two old thin socks, pin them together and place inside the shoes overnight - and whenever they sit idle with no feet in them!
It works on teenagers' cross-trainers ;)
Mar 31, 4:07am
They shouldn't have a bad smell if they are new. I would take them back. If they are leather, it might not have been tanned properly.
Mar 31, 4:22am
The shoes are not smelly from being worn - it is quite a different smell.We went back to the shop and found another pair of shoes the same and pointed out the smell to the staff, who of course, claimed they had not noticed it.It was they who suggested baking soda, but there was no offer of an exchange or refund which I thought was a bit poor.
Trouble is my husband really the likes the shoes - he likes everything about them but the smell!!
Mar 31, 4:34am
try putting vanilla essence on a cloth and rub into the shoes, this works to take smells out of the fridge. also there are spray on things for soft furnishings and carpets at the supermarket, removing pet odours perhaps some of that.
Mar 31, 5:12am
Think the spray is called Resolve.You put whatever in a plastic bag and spray it in.Works on sports shoes, may help.
Mar 31, 8:48am
I'm guessing that they are synthetic & not leather. I had a pair of shoes that were a lovely fit, but had a 'smell' & I'm sure it was because they were synthetic. I tried everything to get rid of the smell, but had to throw them out as I was so conscious of the odour that I was sure everyone else could smell them too.
Jul 17, 12:12pm
nil odour. put a couple of drops on a cloth and rub over the insides of the shoes. Not good enough though, re the non offer of an exchange, or some type of compensation towards a remedy.
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