Voted off too. Overstepping anothers right to personal privacy is a no no, regardless of the "discussion". Back to Recipes folks! . Health issues in Health & Beauty!
Jul 12, 5:58am
sorry Uli... I'm not bullying anyone... ! ! ! as I said I have voted BOTH threads off. . this one is not needed "also" here. . and the other was resurrected. . I am simply using my right to vote. . others may do the same if they wish. .
Jul 12, 6:06am
I have voted this thread off soley because it has offended my personal dignity.
Soy = war on here and a diety war at that. Dirty bombs drop everywhere.
Jul 12, 6:23am
menacing... . voted
Jul 12, 6:32am
I will vote this off too as it is deliberate targetting by Francis who knew it would bring a reaction from Buzzy and is purely intended to STIR and little else. I also am disturbed over buzzy's comments about Val but I also think the passive agressive attack this initial post intended is more despicable for sure. Fisher if you vote this off because it belongs in health then you should also vote off the friends thread because that contains no recipes or food topics.
Jul 12, 6:45am
I am not surprised by the response to my thread regarding the soy attacks made by Buzzy, Uli & co. The many attacks by the anti soy group are not passive aggressive, they are just plain aggressive as are the attacks made by them on many of the vegetarian threads and also on every thread, recipe etc that doesnt fall in line with their opinions. The anti soy group can post whatever they like and continually insult others on their choice of recipes, method of cooking etc but feign indignance when someone disagrees. I have commented often that the anti soy threads belong in Opinions not on recipes but that has fallen on deaf ears. I am the first to agree that these threads dont belong here but I get seriously fed up with the attacks made by this group. Let's vote off every thread that isnt 'recipes'.
Jul 12, 6:49am
Totally Agree frances1266
Jul 12, 6:53am
Colb - those poppies on your profile are fabulous. What lovely colours. I'll follow that up.
Jul 12, 6:57am
beaker59... sad that you can't see the difference and what difference it makes... that is all . .
Jul 12, 7:01am
Also sad that I don't see fun in winding people up purely to get a reaction for entertainment. I am sure that isn't your thing personally but it is for many on this thread.
Jul 12, 7:42am
I think you lost the plot people - how can food not be part of recipes - that is really beyond me. Not that I would class soy as food, but then some posters like frances obviously do.
To have recipes solely as a collection of ingredients is just not reality. Reality is that people who cook most likely cook according to certain dietary ideas. There are vegetarian threads, low carb threads, threads about soy, threads about friendships on recipes - even threads about holiday destinations.
No-one has ever complained about these threads - until now all of a sudden a group of people feels threatened that out of 8450 threads on recipes there are 5 or maybe 10 that are not a collection of ingredients.
I just wonder what is happening that you feel so threatened by those less than 1% of threads? You do not even need to go near them if they offend you so much.
So what is the REAL reason you are all so upset?
Jul 12, 7:53am
I do not think the thread should be voted but the posts regarding personal health issues should be removed.
All day I hear comments which I do not agree with, so why should the MB be any different. I might not agree with posts but as in 'real life' people can post what they want, nothing wrong with a difference of opinion as long as everyone posts with respect.
Jul 29, 6:35am
Excellent comment
Jul 29, 6:42am
FFS GROW UP, people are gonna eat what THEY want no matter "who" "bangs" on about stuff in threads, if ya dont like it simple dont read it or take notice of it honeslty some of the people in here are like 5year olds.
Jul 29, 8:09pm
I agree with beaker59. Also there are heaps of threads in the Recipe section that have nothing to do with actual recipes, for example ones about pots and pans, cleaning, budgets, products, etc etc
Jul 29, 8:10pm
Good question
Jul 29, 8:13pm
Let me guess, you are also a low carb, anti soy, anti vegetarian fanatic too? Or are just someone who thinks that only those fanatics have the right to voice their opinion and no one else?
Jul 29, 9:16pm
Are you bored again and looking for a fight ferita?
This thread was last posted in on the 12th of July - until you bumped it up again last night.
Jul 29, 9:57pm
Not wanting to get involved in this agruement but I personally know 3 people who have followed weston prices full fat diet to the letter. After 18mths 1 (who's 47) has had 3 heart attacks & the second (76) has had 4 life threatening heart attacks, had to been medicated for extremely high blood pressure & cholestral& been gravely ill. The other in her 20s has been ok. All three were in good health before starting. At the end of the day, there's always conflicting advice on any subject so take all with a grain of salt & everything in moderation.
Jul 30, 1:30am
Hilarious statement.
Jul 30, 1:36am
Rather over the top reaction don't you think beaker? ? do you need time out from TM?
Jul 30, 1:44am
I have heard about many many people who have not followed the WP way of eating to the letter, getting or dying of heart attacks... so as you said: "take all with a grain of salt"
Jul 30, 2:27am
It is a thread that is relevant to my interests. I missed it the first time. Is there a law against that or something? ?
Jul 30, 2:32am
fair comment jaky, (but not too many grains of salt) ;-))
Jul 30, 4:33am
No, Im not low carb, anti soy or anti vegetarian. I believe everyone has the right to voice their opinion, and I think people should be able to disagree but without criticising personally for it tho :)
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