My recipe calls for Soy Flour which I can't buy anywhere. Can I make my own? Has anyone done this? I'd be grateful for some advice please.
Jan 19, 3:32am
I am not sure but dont see why not. Would grind a few soy beans and see what happens. Have an idea they are very hard so they may not grind finely. Soy flour tastes horrible until it is cooked when it becomes a very good gluten free flour if you use another flour with it. What are you wanting to use it for.
Jan 19, 3:34am
I am making biscuits - as strange as that sounds! I think you have to roast the soy beans first before you can grind it into flour. But I don't want to go through that much hassle. I was hoping I could buy the ready made roasted beans and then just grind them. maybe someone out there has done this. ?
Jan 19, 5:18am
I have never had trouble buying soya flour. Bin Inn P$S Countdown Moshims Health food shops. it would be a pain to grinding the beans to flour consistency they are NOT roasted before milling, and I doubt you can buy roasted soy beans
Jan 19, 5:54am
Thank you. I am in the Wairarapa, so the selection of shops isn't the best! I will however try the Binn Inn Shop tomorrow.
Jan 19, 6:03am
Moore Wilsons in Masterton has a great range of all this type of stuff too, they are really up to date with all the alternatives.
Jan 19, 6:08am
I have a flour mill and I have tried grinding soya beans unsuccessfully. Soya beans are too large and soya oil clogs the grinding stones. I actually wanted some soya grits for making bread, had no luck with it too. You can buy soya flour at most organic shops. I used soya flour in making bread a few years back and the flavour was good. I normally use barley, oat or corn flour for biscuits, they can be a substitute for soy flour.
Jan 19, 6:34am
carter441, I'm not a Wairarapa resident but our daughter is so I'm reasonably familiar with the range of shops available and I suggest that likely sources of soy flour are as advised above i.e. Masterton's Bin Inn and Masterton's Moore Wilson + there is also Health 2000 at 9 Perry Street, Masterton ('phone 06 377 4928). I'm not sure but I would expect that either, or possibly, all of the usual supermarkets (Countdown and Pak 'n Save in Masterton, and New World which is also at Carterton) would have soy flour.
IMO the people of the Wairarapa are really well served with the choice and variety of shops for their everyday needs - we have spent a considerable amount of time in the area and are indeed considering moving there in retirement to be closer to our family. :-))
May 5, 6:49pm
Carter, You should find it in Masterton Binn Inn. Sorry, can't help with making your own though.
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