I just wanted to bring this up as I am surprised at how many people do not know how toxic soy is, and especially how dangerous it is for babies.
Please please, if you drink soy milk or give soy formula to your children, please read this website:
Oct 12, 2:13am
Wish I new more about soy milk before I gave my baby son soy milk formula - he is now a diabetic, it is not hereitiary as there are no diabetics in his immediate family
Oct 12, 2:38am
Up to now uli has been a lone voice warning everyone who will listen about the dangers of soy but hardly anyone will believe her. I read about soy years ago, and even though I have forgotten exactly what it is I have read I have avoided unfermented soy products like a plague ever since. I hope you have more luck rachee. And blondz it is very sad about your son. No one wants to see their children suffering from a preventable disease and especially one as nasty as diabetes.
Oct 12, 3:14am
Soy is really nasty - and fortunately two of my family have to avoid it at all costs - unfortunately - it is creeping into more products. Soybean oil is really really bad - and is usually just labelled 'vegetable oil' - so no-one knows.
Oct 12, 3:33am
I have even heard of sons not being interested in girls later on ... (after being fed soy in babyhood ... )
Oct 12, 3:34am
And yes - I used to post in any thread about soy and post a few links - must admit I get a bit "laissez-faire" about it now ...
Might hand over to buzzy and rachee ... :)
Oct 12, 4:21am
I love reading the french research - and how they treat soy products. Then compare it with how the Australasian market was sold soy. Laughable. I used to post on things like this - but most people can't be bothered to make a change.
Oct 12, 4:33am
LOL so soy is to blame for homosexuality?
Oct 12, 4:38am
Are rice milk and oat milk better alternatives? I've asked friends that have tried them and they say they taste BAD - maqkes me reluctant to try them.
Oct 12, 4:43am
Not homosexuality at all - my 21yo son has had no interest in females or males for that matter, preferring to spend his time with his hobbies.
Oct 12, 1:39pm
Possible Effects of Soy Infant Formula by Sally Fallon, Mary Enig, PhD, & Michael Fitzpatrick. "Male infants undergo a "testosterone surge" during the first few months of life, when testosterone levels maybe as high as those of an adult male. During this period, the infant is programmed to express male characteristics after puberty, not only in the development of his sexual organs and other masculine physical traits, but also in setting patterns in the brain characteristic of male behavior. In monkeys, deficiency of male hormones impairs the development of spatial perception-normally more acute in men than in women-of learning ability and of visual discrimination tasks, such as would be required for reading. It goes without saying that future patterns of sexual orientation may also be influenced by the early hormonal environment.
Pediatricians are noticing greater numbers of boys whose physical maturation is delayed, or does not occur at all, including lack of development of the sexual organs. Learning disabilities, especially in male children, have reached epidemic proportions. Soy infant feeding-which floods the bloodstream with female hormones that could inhibit the effects of male hormones-cannot be ignored as a possible cause for these tragic developments. " And that is just the boys... ... ... . .
Oct 12, 1:45pm
"As for girls, an alarming number are entering puberty much earlier than normal, according to a recent study reported in the journal Pediatrics. Investigators found that one percent of all girls now show signs of puberty, such as breast development or pubic hair, before the age of three; by age eight, 14. 7 percent of Caucasian girls and a whopping 48. 3 percent of African-American girls had one or both of these characteristics. New data indicate that environmental estrogens such as PCBs and DDE (a breakdown product of DDT) may cause early sexual development in girls. It is not unreasonable to conclude that huge amounts of female hormones from infant formula could have similar effects. The consequences are tragic. Young girls with mature bodies must cope with feelings and urges that most children are not well-equipped to handle. And early maturation in girls is frequently a harbinger for problems with the reproductive system later in life including failure to menstruate, infertility and breast cancer.
Other problems that have been anecdotally associated with children of both sexes who were fed soy-based formula include extreme emotional behavior, asthma, immune system problems, pituitary insufficiency, thyroid disorders and irritable bowel syndrome. "
Oct 12, 1:53pm
Really really scary stuff aye!
Sam447 - When you read stuff like that, how can you not blame soy for homosexuality - probably not all, but certainly some I am sure.
Read an interesting article one day about the increase in older people who seem to be 'straight' their whole lifes and have happy marriages and children etc, and then 'turn gay' suddenly. Research seems to indicate soy (in which soy oil may be in at least 60% of all processed foods) can be the cause of this.
I actually know of this - my ex-sister-in-law 'turned gay' with a woman about 30 years her senior who had six kids and piles of Grandkids and was in a happy marriage before her husband died. And now she (the partner) has alzheimers. Interesting... .
Oct 12, 5:14pm
My mother knew of the dangers of soy 31 years ago when I was born, she was constantly being pushed to switch me to soy as I did not tolerate cows milk. . thankfully she refused the bully tactics of plunket back then and used goats milk instead.
Oct 12, 6:04pm
I wouldn't touch them sam - if they taste bad, why would you want to consume them. Another delicious healthy alternative to soy, rice and oat milk is coconut milk/cream. Even though our family is able to use dairy products, we still include coconut milk in our diet for its wonderful health benefits. Read http://getwellbooks.com/? p=10 for more info.
Oct 12, 6:22pm
Thank goodness alright, most people take Plunkets word as gospel so it was lucky she didn't. Bad bad stuff. If this thread can stop one mother using soy formula for her baby then I will be happy.
Oct 12, 6:24pm
Coconut oil/milk/cream is magic stuff! If you think about it, really, how does an oat have milk, or rice? Must really take a lot of work to get 'milk' out of there. At least with coconuts it is right there, pour it out, scrape it out or whatever. And it is delicious! Really good for weight loss too.
Oct 12, 6:29pm
I have also bumped the "I am interested to know more about coconut" thread to the top for anyone interested in knowing more about this miracle food.
Oct 12, 9:47pm
I dont consume dairy because I dont like our dairy industry. . Used to live on dairy units and saw too many things that disturbed me personally. I let my children have dairy because it comes down to personal choice for me (ie I dont think its unhealthy to drink cows milk, its just that I cant stomach it).
Oct 12, 11:37pm
Is Organic GE free soy harmful too?
Oct 12, 11:43pm
O. K so I just read the some soy on line info no more soy for us YUK my sisters twin boys are being brought up on the stuff, they are now 41/2 hopefully they will be alright as they had a lot of goats formula as infants & toddlers
Oct 13, 12:53am
No - but I see tha tothers have already posted some stuff on the subject - so will let it go for now.
Just to say that my friends are very distraught about the subject. They never kenw about soy - and when I mentioned it at the time - they did not believe what I said - partly I think because they saw no other alternative to feed the kid.
Oct 13, 2:18am
Ah uli. There is always an alternative. What they didn't have was the will to get out there and find it. Most people think that people like you and I who are 'aware' are talking through a hole in the head with an empty space behind it. Like you I don't enjoy educating people because you usually have to start from the very beginning because their knowledge base is zilch and after 2 minutes people's attention span is used up and you know you are talking to 'nobody'. Sadly, some people just have to learn the hard way. Heck I have gone down 'the learn the hard way' route but now I am wiser.
Oct 13, 3:36am
Buzzy - they had an alternative - and used it.
They actually bought a goat off me to feed the kid - but maybe the damage was done when he was a small baby - and they didn't realize - well we will see what the future brings.
It's a learing curve for all of us I think ...
Oct 13, 4:24am
Scary that not only is the milk produced for general consumption but also that there is no requirement for a warning label on it. It was good of you to see a future problem and warn the parents as well as solving their immediate problem for them. I hope things turn out OK but how many people have an intelligent and informed friend to help them to understand what harm they are unwittingly doing? Not many I bet.
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