Is Soy flour made from fermented soy beans?

245sam, May 24, 5:21am
suie1, IMO the answer to your question would be 'No' but try doing a google search to find more info' and here, to get you started is the following link with some good info':-

uli, May 24, 4:28pm
Yes fruitluva - we know that LOL :)
Soy flour is made from soybeans as you have observed correctly.

The question was "Is soy flour made from "fermented" soy beans" - to which the answer is "no" - as that would take too much time and would be too costly and so not in the interest of the big grain and food industry lobby.

As you are probably aware fruitluva raw soy beans are toxic to man and animal - so the soy industry simply "roasts" them before turning them into flour so they are not raw any more and so perceived as less toxic.

So my suggestion to suie1 would be to stick to fermented soy products if it needs to be soy - otherwise dairy, eggs or meat would be a better choice for protein.

Apart from the three traditional fermentation products (tempeh, miso, natto) you can also make Kefir from soy milk.

suie1, Jun 5, 1:11pm
Thanks uli very helpful.