could someone please help me with a recipe for a large moist maderia cake. my grandaughter want's one for her 21st.
Jun 30, 6:40pm
I have a great recipe, however it is for a 20cm cake.
Jun 30, 9:16pm
that would be fine, icould double it. thanks.
Jul 5, 8:16pm
im just making one now, 225g melted butter, 3 c self raising flour, 2 c sugar, pinch salt, 4 large eggs, rind grated of one lemon, 1 cup milk, chuck all together in a food mixer bowl and beat together for 5 mins, bake 180 for 35-40 mins. It makes a good size cake, i do 2 smaller cakes out of this recipe, you could easily double it. It is a lovely moist cake.
Jul 5, 8:59pm
250g butter 1 cup caster sugar finely zested rind of one lemon and one orange 1/2 tsp cinnamon 5 eggs 1 1/2 cups plain flour 1/2 cup self raising flour 1/2 tsp salt 1 tbsp milk 1 tbsp mixed, candied peel -diced, or one slice candied orange. Cream butter with sugar, rinds and cinnamon. When pale and creamy, add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Sift flours with salt. Fold half the flour into creamed mixture and when thoroughly incorporated, add the milk. Fold in remaining flour. Turn into a greased and lined deep 20cm round cake tin. Bake in a pre-heated, moderately slow oven (160C) for 45 minutes. Sprinkle top of cake with peel or press on the glace orange slice and bake a further 40-45 mins or until cake shrinks away from the sides of the tin. Cool on wire rack.
Jul 5, 9:08pm
Madeira Cake even?
Just in case you'd like to google another recipe than the one given above ...
Jul 5, 9:19pm
Sorry to disappoint ulli, but all my own. Not that YOU will be eating it though.
Jul 5, 9:21pm
Madeira cake
prepare a 25 cm tin, I only ever paint my tins with tin glide, recipe for tin glide is on post #20.
sift together 250 grams of self raising flour 125 grams of plain flour
cream 250 grams each butter and caster sugar
add 5 eggs, 1 at a time adding a Tblsp of the flour after each egg
fold the rest of the flour in along with grated lemon rind and juice of two lemons. [not Meyer lemons]
Bake 1 hour and 20 minutes @160 deg C
Leave this cake 24 hours before icing.
Jul 5, 9:28pm
Good to get a recipe for a larger cake, thanks pickles7
Jul 5, 9:33pm
No milk in my recipe. It is a good all round plain, Madeira cake. It is not always such a good idea to double a mixture. Make two cakes and keep one in the kitchen to cut along with the one out on show. I must say I have not ever come across a, Madeira cake with cinnamon, orange, orange and lemon peel in it. I too, will never taste it. Gee, just saw the fruit on top. You should go google again cooks.
Jul 5, 9:38pm
the peel is just on the top pickles, i often dont bother and am happy with the zest in it. What do you mean go Google again?
Jul 5, 9:53pm
Ayayaye - will we see now a show down between
pickles7: I must say I have not ever come across a, Madeira cake with cinnamon, orange, orange and lemon peel in it. I too, will never taste it. Gee, just saw the fruit on top. You should go google again cooks.
And cookessentials: Turn into a greased and lined deep 20cm round cake tin. Bake in a pre-heated, moderately slow oven (160C) for 45 minutes. Sprinkle top of cake with peel or press on the glace orange slice and bake a further 40-45 mins or until cake shrinks away from the sides of the tin. Cool on wire rack... .
Please vote below according to what you think
should be like:)
Jul 5, 9:55pm
Just yes cooks or no pickles
will be fine
will check in Wednesday night and proclaim the winner ...
Keep voting :)
Jul 5, 10:02pm
REALLY... ... . uli.
Jul 5, 10:14pm
really - pickles? is that between yea and no somewhere?
Jul 5, 11:34pm
Well I'll wade in! I always thought a madeira cake was quite a plain cake? Or at least that's how my Mum used to make it.
Jul 5, 11:42pm
Madeira is a plain cake BJ, it always has citrus zest in it though and as in pickles case, some juice as well. Quite often you will see a madeira cake in a shop with a piece of candies orange on the top for decoration, but it is entirely up to you as to whether you want to put that or the citrus peel on the top. ( not you personally though, as you dont eat this type of stuff do you? )
Jul 6, 12:28am
This is how I was taught to present a madeira cake.
http://i49. jpg
Very retro n old fashion but oh well. Anyway, to make the split in the cake, dip a plastic scrapper in oil and gently cut halfway through the batter before baking. An alternative way is to place it in the oven for 2-5 mins for the surface to form a skin, take it out and slit it.
Here's a good pdf file of Madeira cake faults with pictures.
Madeira Cake from 1978 Edmonds Cook Book 175g butter 175g sugar Grated rind of 1/2 lemon 3 eggs 175g flour 1 teaspoon baking powder Cream butter and sugar, add lemon rind. Beat eggs until thick and add alternately with sifted dry ingredients Bake 1 hr in a greased tin at 180C
Madeira Cake 1998 Edmonds Cook book 175g butter 3/4 cup sugar 1/4 teaspoon lemon rind 3 eggs 1 1/2 cup standard flour 1 teaspoon baking powder Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy Stir in lemon rind In a separate bowl beat eggs until thick Sift flour and baking powder Add to creamed mixtue alternately with the eggs Stir to mix Spoon mixture into a greased and lined 20cm square tin Bake at 180C for 40 minutes or until cake springs back when lightly touch Leave in the tin for 10 minutes before turning out onto a wire rack
Jul 6, 1:18am
lol , something like that.
Jul 6, 1:40am
post #20######### In the search function , on your left , Write ... pickles7... on the key word member space, and scroll down to ... anytime ... on the date posted, . You may find what you are looking for there
Jul 6, 2:15am
have never heard of a madeira cake lol
Jul 6, 4:31am
At christmas i make the pav and my Great Aunt Dorothy when shes over from england makes medeira cake with the left over yokes. never have a slice of any other medeira that compares.
Jul 6, 5:13am
yes i have a similar recipe but am not keen on it. maybe you could post her recipe
Jul 6, 3:36pm
Im sad to say i dont have her recipe. wish i did!
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