how to bottle beetroot

highspot, Feb 17, 12:11am
have heaps in the garden and have bottled it be for, but was years ago and can, t found mums trusted recipe.

uli, Feb 17, 12:26am asp
x? id=123614 asp
x? id=160262 asp
x? id=108239 asp
x? id=152446

recipes for fresh beetroot: asp
x? id=65867

donnabeth, Feb 17, 3:28pm
I left mine too long and it's a bit woody. Is it worth doing anything with or should I give it to a friend to feed to her pigs?

uli, Feb 17, 4:07pm
I have cooked and grated woody beetroot into spiced vinegar - then eaten fresh (lasts like that in the fridge for 3 weeks at least).
I just scooped out as much as I wanted for the meal and dressed it with oil and some fresh onions and garlic.
By grating it the "woody bits" are not so noticeable - also you realize pretty quickly which parts are very "prickly" when grating and can discard those.
However I am sure the pigs would love you if you'd give it to them LOL :)

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