Making long thin 'strings' of carrot and beetroot

patsprat, Jul 23, 6:47am
I want to make those long, very thin 'strings' of beetroot & carrot that you find decorating the top of fancy salads in cafes - a little 'nest' of raw vegetables on top of whatever you've ordered.What do I buy to achieve this?(Don't want to pay a fortune!)Thanks....

geldof, Jul 23, 7:14am
Stevens has the gadget.Was posted on here a while back by cookessentials, i think.

lx4000, Jul 23, 7:15am
grate vegetable you want. Stack them on top of one another (not too many!!) then slice thinly:)
practice makes perfect:)

sumstyle, Jul 23, 7:15am
A mandolin with a shredding blade?

lx4000, Jul 23, 7:21am

patsprat, Jul 23, 7:35am
Thank you very much lx4000, looks like the very thing.

lx4000, Jul 23, 7:37am

lx4000, Jul 23, 7:39am
there are few different things that will work but have never used one. Always used a peeler then a good sharp knife (like a Chinese thick knife as the blade is big and great for small work!!!)

cookessentials, Jul 23, 8:03am
It is a spirelli by Gefu

geldof, Jul 23, 8:26am

That's what I was thinking of, thanks cookessentials.

elliehen, Jul 23, 9:58am
I have one - it's a cook's toy....and you enter the kitchen to find family playing with it, eating carrot curls and looking vaguely guilty ;)

toadfish, Jul 23, 7:06pm
Do you sell them Pam? I am thinking i need one... although.... how do you do beetroot in it?

toadfish, Jul 23, 7:14pm
I have one of those and use it all the time but it doesn't make the nests you get in restaurants, but my carrots alwats look impressive on top of salads, much nicer than a regular grater.

lx4000, Jul 23, 9:38pm

buzzy110, Jul 23, 11:29pm
Sounds like you want one of those Curly Whirly gadgets that the chap in the Food Van used to turn potatoes in one long unbroken spiral. He said you could get them at a Japanese store.

You just inserted the vegetable onto a spike, pressed it against the cutter and turned the handle. He made it look easy.

lx4000, Jul 24, 12:09am

buzzy110, Jul 24, 12:17am
No. It looked more like a mincer. It stood upright. Just guessing here but it had a handle at the back which you turned and a rod in front of that (all supported by a framework of course) on which you stuck the vegetable or fruit and in front of that was a cylinder with a blade in it. You turned the handle which turned the fruit/vegetable (he used it on potatoes) which went into the cylinder with the blade and out the other end came a long, unbroken spiral. Or maybe the handle turned the front cylinder but I don't think so. I have been meaning to go and buy one from one of the two Japanese shops in Auckland but haven't yet gotten around to it.

ferita, Jul 24, 3:31am
Man what a lot of hassle. just get a potato peeler peel some thin slices then juliene the peel.

You will need to rinse the beetroot or it will bleed everywhere. Once rinsed put the carrot and beetroot into iced water and it will curl into nice garnish you can use

moggie57, Dec 1, 11:19am
THIS IS THE ONE!!!!we have one at better than anything else.Not sure where they got it from though..