Whats da best way to cook beetroot ...k

noddy26, Dec 19, 8:36pm

lilyfield, Dec 19, 9:37pm
wash it. Put in pot ,cover with water, boil until tender.rub off the skin under cold water, slice or dice and pickle to your liking.

Or eat hot in a little sauce made with the juice and cornflour,salt pepper, caraway seeds. yum.

seavu, Dec 19, 9:41pm
I recently have been baking them.Wash them well and cut them in half (or leave whole if they are small)-leave some of the stalks on them.Sprinkle with salt and oil and bake until tender.Yummy !!!! Nice cold in salads.

nickyd, Dec 19, 11:06pm
Yum, hot with some black pepper and sour cream

petal1955, Nov 23, 11:04am
I cook mine in the microwave........place in a deep bowl..cover with a supermarket bag...cook for 8-10mins....then turn the beets over and cook a further 8-10 mins..slice up and place in container and pour over vinegar and sugar that you have popped in the microwave to melt....