Some very good hints and recipes more so for Christmas...
Dec 8, 11:51am
q... q
Dec 11, 12:04pm
w... w
Dec 15, 12:09am
Bumping for bounder re posts 108 and 138 re fudge making from the Edmonds book.
Dec 17, 3:46pm
Bumping #139 for someone with no Condensed Milk....
Dec 25, 1:26pm
d... d
Dec 29, 1:46pm
z... z
Jan 2, 6:18pm
any advise on how to make a yummy stirfry so that the veges are crunchy!
Jan 3, 3:18am
Frozen Stir-fry Veges does contain. frozen moisture hence can soften veges. Also use less oil and have the Wok at it's highest temp and stir fry quickly. Fresh veges chopped are best used to gain nice lovely crisp tasting veges. Also in smaller batches, that is only cook say 3-4 cups full at a time. but do not totally cooked the first batches until the last batch is cooking then when nearly done, add the previous batch/es to finish off within a minute. When setting batch/es aside, ensure they are spread out to stop mulching effect. This way ensures stir-fry is kept at it's cripness.
Jan 7, 2:02am
bumping up for post 14 the basic pancake batter.
Jan 7, 7:28pm
Desserts and Some Alternative Accompaniments Great meals are remembered for their tempting and luscious desserts. They are a special treat that few can resist. Dessert is the one part of a meal that is purely about pleasure and indulgence rather than sustenance.
For a change from the expected accompaniments of cream or ice cream, the following ideas can be used to add flair to even the simplest desserts. Crème Fraiche or French Soured Cream is delicious with fruit desserts. Mascarpone is a rich, heavy cream cheese served with pastries, cakes and fruit. Yoghurt makes an excellent foil for very sweet desserts, or Sweeten Thick Greek-style Yoghurt with Honey serve simply with fresh fruits. Sorbet or Gelato makes a light and refreshing change to ice cream. Crème Anglaise is a thin pouring custard that is perfect served with baked desserts and puddings. Fruit Coulis ( Pureed Fruit with Sugar ) should be light and not overly sweet, but with a pure taste of fruit. Try berry coulis with rich chocolate cake.
Jan 12, 11:12pm
Bumping. Need to keep it up for brianmac.
Jan 17, 2:26pm
In a Hurry for a quick meal. Egg Pasta Pre-made Now and then I do this as I only serve for two and the left-over is chilled overnight for a delightful lunch for one the following day. 1 pkt fresh egg noodles, 1 container egg pasta sauce (flavour optional) and chopped up 3-4 rashers cooked bacon. Simply follow instructions on Pasta Pkt, warm the sauce in a saucepan with the bacon and when pasta is cooked, drain pasta, add sauce and bingo. Variations to Bacon pieces are either of the following, chopped up any left-over meats from prior meals, chicken, sausages, choritz or salami or even a small can of salmon including juices or anything that one may wish to try. Cooking time is only a few minutes.
Jan 19, 2:49pm
bumping. too good to lose, will add some myself soon :o)
Jan 20, 3:32pm
Well, it looks like I need to add some more hints and tips and basic beginner recipes.
Jan 23, 8:26pm
Bumping again.Hmmmm Some food thoughts. Scientically proven as well. A sliced Carrotlooks like the human eye. The pupil, iris and radiating lines look just likethe human eye.and YES science now shows that carrots greatly enhance bloodflow to and function of the eyes. And.A Tomato has four chambersand is red. The heart is red and has four chambers. All of the research showstomatoes are indeed pure heart andblood food. And another.Kidney Beansactually heal and help maintain kidney function and yes, they look exactlylike the human kidneys.
Jan 23, 8:28pm
Some more. Walnut looks like a little brain, aleft and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. Even thewrinkles or folds are on the nut just like the neo-cortex. We now know thatwalnuts help develop over 3 dozen neuron-transmitters for brainfunction s. Another.Celery, BokChoy, Rhubarb and more look just likebones. These foods specifically target bone strength. Bones are 23% sodium andthese foods are 23% sodium. If you don't have enough sodium in your diet thebody pulls it from the bones, making them weak. These foods replenish theskeletal needs of thebody.
Jan 23, 8:29pm
Continuing with more. Avocados and Pears target the healthand function of the womb and cervix of the female - they look just like theseorgans. Today's research shows that when a woman eats 1 avocado a week, itbalances hormones, sheds unwantedbirth weight and prevents cervical cancers. And how profound is this! . Ittakes exactly 9 months to grow an avocadofrom blossom to ripened fruit. There are over 14,000 photolytic chemicalconstituents of nutrition in each one of these foods (modern science has onlystudied and named about 141 of them. Onions looklike body cells. Today's research shows that onions help clear wastematerials from allof the body cells They even produce tears which wash the epithelial layers ofthe eyes.
Jan 23, 8:31pm
And some real interesting ones. Olives assist the healthand function of the ovaries. Grapefruits,Oranges, andother Citrus fruits look just like the mammary glands of the female andactually assist the health of the breasts and the movement of lymph in andout of the breasts. Sweet Potatoes look like thepancreas and actually balance the glycemic index of diabetics. Grapes hang in a cluster that hasthe shape of the heart. Each grape looks like a blood cell and all of theresearch today shows that grapes are also profound heart and blood vitalizingfood.
Jan 23, 8:38pm
Now if we put all the above together. One would have an ideal Salad. and using pure virgin olive oil as a dresser as well.
Jan 24, 2:51pm
bumping for .. eliza from parenting who needs condensed milk!:o)
Jan 24, 2:51pm
bumping for . eliza from parenting who needs condensed milk!:o)
Jan 27, 6:20pm
Ideas on using ice cream at a party or family.... Use a Jelly Mould ( I have a tupperware ones of about 30 years old plus and still use them ) especially if it is a ring mould. A 2 litre pack of ice cream soften enough to scoop into the mould and firmly press then put the big lid on it and freeze. Then with a light trickling of hot water remove ice cream, put onto a serving dish and then one can either wrap completely in plastcwrap and back into freezer ready for use or decorate it with your favourite toppings.. such as choc hail on whipped cream, hundreds and thousands, butterscotch or a caramel or choc sauce, or a fruit syrup, what ever, great and very easy to serve with a good sharp knife, just slice out neat wedges and it is still frozen... Cheers.
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